The Classic Event has been making its rounds across various Roblox games, and Adopt Me is one of them. The event involves locating ten tickets (called Tix) in order to earn rewards. Starting up the event in Adopt Me grants you a free pet, but there’s so much more you can get by finishing it. I wrote out exactly where you can find all the Tix locations in Adopt Me to make your life that much easier.
To start the Classic Event, the first thing you’ll want to do is talk to an NPC named NooBurt. He is located atop a building just behind the Toy Store. When you talk to him, you’ll receive the Classic Teapot pet. He will then tell you about the event and how there are ten Tix to find.
Ticket 1

The first Tix is located on a platform right next to where NooBurt is. Climb the ladder next to the NPC and you’ll easily reach the ticket. You’ll earn the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #1 badge for your perception.
Ticket 2

I found the second Adopt Me Tix location inside the coffee shop, right behind Beetrice’s stand. Just walk behind the bee and scoop it up. As a reward, you’ll earn the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #2 badge.
Ticket 3

The third Tx is located inside the Nursery. Inside, go over to the Babies side and head towards Anna. Behind her desk is the Tix. When you pick it up, you’ll earn the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #3 badge.
Ticket 4

This Tix is a little tricky to locate. Underneath the bridge directly in front of the Nursery is a door. Inside the door is a room with trees and purple lights. Atop the highest branch is the Tix. You can easily climb the tree that it’s on to get to it. Once you do, you’ll earn the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #4 badge.
Ticket 5

Ticket number five can be found inside the Hospital on the second floor. After climbing the stairs, go the the second door on your right. Behind a pillar inside the room, you’ll find the Tix.
Ticket 6

You can find the sixth Tix inside of the school. Head into the second door to your right when you first walk into the school. Behind the second book case to your left, you’ll find the ticket. When you find it, you’ll get the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #6 badge.
Ticket 7

The seventh ticket is located inside the Library. After entering and jumping down into the main room, you can look back to see two sets of stairs. When facing the exit, look under the staircase to your left. The Tix is located underneath, and you’ll also earn the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #7 badge for finding it.
Ticket 8

Tix number eight is located inside the Grocery Store. When you enter, head to the refrigerator to the right. Inside, you’ll be taken to a farm-like area with a water tower attached to the building you exited from. Atop the water tower is where you’ll find the ticket. When you pick it up, you’ll earn the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #8 badge.
Ticket 9

You can find the ninth Adopt Me Tix location inside the Icecream Shop. You’ll automatically be equipped with ice skates that you can use to jump through the hoop where the Tix is. The ice skates are a little difficult to maneuver, so it might take a little time to grab this one. You will also earn the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #9 badge after picking it up.
Ticket 10

The tenth Tix I found was inside the Toy Store. When you first walk in, go up the winding staircase to your left until you start climbing around the store. You’ll have to complete this mini obby to reach the Tix at the very end. The screenshot above shows you exactly where it is in reference to the floor of the store. After picking it up, you’ll earn the Roblox The Classic: Adopt Me! – Tix #10 badge.
What Do You Do With All the Tix in Adopt Me?

After collecting all ten Tix, speak to NooBurt. He won’t provide you with anything beyond a pat on the back, but now you can head into The Hub portal directly to his right. When inside The Classic Hub, select the Event Tracker button on the left side of the screen. Here, you’ll be able to unlock different items like:
- Drink Coin
- Rocket Launcher
- Super Ball
- Timebomb
- Mon’s Dog
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