When it comes to romance options, Harvest Moon games practically invented them. They’re also present in the newest, Harvest Moon Winds of Anthos, albeit they don’t all appear at the very beginning of the game. You’re able to romance any one of the options in this game, regardless of gender, and eventually marry them. To make it a little easier on you, we wrote out each of the bachelors in Harvest Moon Winds of Anthos below as well as where you can find them and how to romance them for marriage.
Every Romance Option In Harvest Moon Winds of Anthos
There is a total of ten bachelor’s that you can romance with an additional two as part of the DLC. To successfully romance them, you need to ensure that you’re gifting them gifts that they like every day. Most importantly, you need to have enough heart moment cut-scenes happen in Harvest Moon Winds of Anthos before you’re able to engage in marriage and have children. Each of them and where you can find them are as follows:
- Neil: Lenctenbury
- Westley: Providence
- Kaimana: Lilikala
- Nikolai: Zimagrad
- Arnold: Herbstburg
- Judy: Lenctenbury
- Vivi: Providence
- Aolani: Lilikala
- Lina: Zimagrad
- Ella: Herbstburg
- Jacques: Visitors From Afar DLC
- Charolette: Visitors From Afar DLC

Neil is a Harvest Moon Winds of Anthos bachelor who takes after his father in the village of Lenctenbury. He’s one of the first bachelors that you meet as both he and his mother are searching for his father, who is also a chef. He is a tall man with long, brown hair that he wears up in a ponytail. Here is all of Neil’s important information:
- Birthday: Fall 24
- Likes: Food of all kinds but more specifically, Lettuce.

Westley is the leader of Providence Village, the second village you go to as part of the story. He is well-liked but can come off as strict according to others in the village. Here is everything you need to know about him:
- Birthday: Fall 8
- Likes: Apples
- Family: Vivi

Kaimana is a tackle craftsman from Lilikala village. He’s a big fan of the beach and spends all of the free time he can get his hands on fishing.
- Birthday: Summer 16
- Likes: Fish of all kinds.

Nikolai is the brooding apothecary from Zimagrad Village. He is quiet and shy, but well-spoken and scholarly. Getting him to open up to you will be tough, but definitely worth it because of his deep sense of responsibility.
- Birthday: Unknown
- Likes: Tulips

This bachelor belongs to the head of the town of Herbstburg. He is the youngest son and takes his role in life very seriously, even though he is far too empathetic towards those in need. He is a fan of music and enjoys playing to himself as he does not like to play in front of others.
- Birthday: Unknown
- Likes: Unknown

Judy is a Harvest Moon Winds of Anthos marriage option and one of the very first bachelorettes you meet in Lenctenbury Village. She is the son of Mathis, an animal dealer in the village with an older brother named Nemo, who runs the flower shop. She is a natural leader and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
- Birthday: Spring 14
- Likes: Tulips

Vivi is Westley’s brother and a well-traveled girl who helps lead Providence Village with her brother. She is strong and elegant but can withstand anywhere.
- Birthday: Summer 4
- Likes: Cold Mushroom
- Siblings: Westley

Aolani is a fisherman from Lilikala Village who is incredibly studious and trustworthy. She loves to eat and learn and is no other fisherman can hold a candle to her.
- Birthday: Unknown
- Likes: Fish

Lina is incredibly boisterous and fashionable. She is a furniture maker who is outgoing and very caring to those she loves.
- Birthday: Unknown
- Likes: Unknown

Ella is an artist who enjoys music and spending time with her grandmother. She is carefree and free-spirited and is very shy.
- Birthday: Unkown
- Likes: Unkown
Jacques is one of the characters only available in the Visitors From Afar DLC. He is an assistant with a stoic attitude.
Charolette is another character that can only be found in the Visitors From Afar DLC. She is a CEO of a company.