It can take hours to improve your skills or build powerful bases in the new ARK title. Especially taming a T-Rex or dinosaur is one of the most difficult parts of the game. Players may need console commands to easily explore everything about the game without grinding for hours. That’s why we will provide you with every console command in ARK: Survival Ascended to let you create your own fun without the grind.
There are tons of console commands in ARK: Survival Ascended that you can use safely and without any ban risk. To use console commands, you’ll need to enable Console Access in Settings under Advanced Settings. You can spawn items, tame your dinosaur, fly, teleport, and many more you can imagine. So, let’s dive in and see all the console commands in ARK: Survival Ascended.
Command | What it does |
addexperience (Number) | Adds the desired amount of experience points. |
Changesize (Number) | Change your character’s base size. |
Dotame | Tame any of your dinosaurs. |
Enemyinvisible | Enemies do not attack or see you. |
Fly | Allows you to fly around the map. |
Ghost | Allows you to clip through both meshes and models. |
giveengrams | Unlocks every crafting recipe in the game. |
Givearmorset (tier) (quality) | Provides an armor set with the designated tier and quality. |
Givecreativemode | Access creative mode. |
Givecreativemodetotarget | Give another player creative mode. |
Givecreativemodetoplayer (player ID) | Give creative mode to the designated player. |
Givecolors | Receive every dye color in the game. |
Givedinoset (tier) (quantity) | Spawn a dinosaur with a full saddle of the type and quality you input. |
Givengramstekonly | Receive every Tek engram in the game. |
Giveitem (blueprintpath) (quantity) (forceblueprint) | Provides the item based on your inputs. |
Giveitemnumtoplayer (itemnum) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint) | Provides the indicated player with a specified item. |
Giveitemset (tier) | Receive the full item set of the specified tier. |
Giveitemtoplayer (player ID) (blueprintpath) (quantity) (quality) (forceblueprint) | Provide the specified player with the item based on your inputs. |
Giveweaponset (tier) (quality) | Receive a weapon based on the tier and quality inputs you select. |
Giveitemset (tier) | Receive items from a specific group based on the tier you select. |
Gmsummon (type) (level) | Spawns a tamed animal based on the type and level you input. |
Infinitestats | Remove the need for food, water, oxygen, and sleep. |
leavemealone | Enable God mode. |
setcheatplayer false | Disable the cheat menu. |
setcheatplayer true | Enable the cheat menu. |
settimeofday xx:xx | Set the server time to your choosing. |
Summon (type) | Summon the specified type of creature. |
Summontamed (type) | Summon a tamed creature type of your choosing. |
Teleport | Teleport to where you’re facing until you hit a surface. |
TeleportplayerIDtome (player ID) | Teleport the selected player to your location. |
Teleportplayernametome (player name) | Teleport the selected player to your location. |
ToggleInfiniteAmmo | Provides you with unlimited ammunition. |
Tpcoords (lat) (long) (altitude) | Teleport to very specific map coordinates. |
Walk | Turn off the ability to fly. |