Palia has a variety of activities including fishing, crafting, cooking, and more. But if you want to get to know this world better, you have to look under every stone and bush, as they hide many useful items. For example, for the Emberseeker’s Bundle, players have to collect 6 Emberseeker Medallions, which are scattered throughout the Palia map. And if you know where to look, you can spend many hours on it. Therefore, we are here to help you find all Emberseeker Medallion locations.
Where To Find All Emberseeker Medallions
(Updated on August 16, 2024 – updated links and format)

Luckily, you can get your first Emberseeker Medallion after you complete the Vault of the Flames quest. Jina will give it to you as a reward. The remaining five Medallions are hidden in Treasure Chests in Bahari Bay. And they are hidden so well that you can easily miss them if you don’t know where to look.
Second Emberseeker Medallion
Head to Bahari Beach east of Statue Garden. There you will find many shipwrecks. Approach the boat, near which there is a beautiful yellow tree, and you will find the first Treasure Chest with a Medallion.
Third Emberseeker Medallion
Now, you need to head north of Bahari Bay to the Thorny Thicket area. At this point, the river becomes very narrow. The next Treasure Chest is hidden in its bed. Just walk along the edge of the riverbed, and you will find it without any problems.
Fourth Emberseeker Medallion
Your next stop is Lighthouse Lagoon. Go down to the very bottom and examine the base of the ruins. Then, you need to climb the rocks under the curved part of the ruins to find a Chest with an Emberseeker Medallion behind a bush in Palia.
Fifth Emberseeker Medallion
Fast travel to Beachcomber Cove and explore the ruins nearby. You will find the desired Chest between it and the rock.
Sixth Emberseeker Medallion
To the west of the previous location, you need to enter the mines. There you need to jump into the hole in the floor and go through a passage overgrown with bushes. Then, go around the ruins of the statue and jump down into the room below to find the last Emberseeker Medallion.
After this, you only need to contribute all 6 Emberseeker Medallions to complete the Emberseeker’s Bundle in Palia. It is the only Bundle in the game, which requires only one item. And as a reward, you will receive Emberborn Brazier and its crafting recipe.
That’s all you need to know about how to find all Emberseeker Medallions Locations in Palia. These items are hidden very well, but if you know where to look, you can collect them all without any problems.