After a brutal conflict, the fictional Southeast Asian country of Lamang is suddenly struck by a mysterious disaster called the Event. This creates a dangerous Ground Zero which is filled with armed forces trying to claim what’s left of the island. Three professional private military companies (PMC) then appear and vie to gain control of the chaotic battlezone. Before joining the firefights, Gray Zone Warfare players must pledge allegiance to one of the available factions or teams.
Gray Zone Warfare: All Three Factions or Team Differences

Players will start with a similar gear selection when they drop into Lamang and can interact with all vendors, no matter which side they choose. Basically, factions’ existence is only for roleplaying as no obvious benefit or drawback can be seen from selecting one or the other.
Nevertheless, there are still two important gameplay differences based on your faction. First, each faction has its designated base camp, which dictates each player’s landing zone on the map.
Second, which Gray Zone Warfare faction you pick determines which players you can play together with. For instance, Crimson Shield players cannot group up with Mithras soldiers. For that reason, if you have a guild or active group of friends, all of you will want to choose the same factions. Don’t forget that your choice is permanent and you cannot switch sides!
Crimson Shield International, Lore Explanation
“This private military company rose to infamy during the early stages of the Syrian civil war. While they boast an impressive 95% success rate, some of their methods can be seen as somewhat questionable, often resulting in collateral damage. That said, no one can deny their effectiveness and cold-blooded approach to any job that needs to be done. This gung-ho nature attracts not just ex-military personnel but basically anyone with a lust for adventure and action. However, thanks to their strict elimination process, only the truly exceptional soldiers ever make it as far to be deployed on an actual combat mission.”
Crimson Shield International in-game description.
The no-nonsense Gray Zone Warfare faction members will spawn at the northwestern part of the map, not far from the Viu Kongsa village.

Lamang Recovery Initiative, Gray Zone Warfare Faction Background
“Founded and funded by a tech billionaire, LRI publicizes itself as a strictly philanthropic exercise to search for pockets of survivors in and around Ground Zero after even the UN abandoned the island. The armed section of the organization is composed of small, highly professional security details that accompany rescue and clean-up teams to protect them from some of the other, far less altruistic, factions operating in the area.”
Lamang Recovery Initiative in-game description.
Lamang Recovery clean-up crew will start their operation at the northeastern part of the map. Their Forward Operating Base is near the town of Pha Lang.
Mithras Security System, Gray Zone Warfare Mercenary Team Description
“Mithras bills itself as a PMC run by soldiers for soldiers, and it doesn‘t ask too many questions about an operator‘s motivations or past history. The only real bar to Mithras membership is a lack of field experience or military competence. It prides itself on only accepting the best and pays accordingly. The organization is inspired by the Roman Legion system, where the spoils of war were shared among the troops. From the highest-ranking officer to the lowest-ranking foot soldier according to their status within the unit and performance in the field.”
Mithras Security System in-game description.
The southern part of the map close to Nam Thayen village will be in control of the Mithras Security team.
Gray Zone Warfare is available on PC via Steam.