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Who would have guessed that the tiniest and often cutest creatures to come out of League of Legends would also be among the deadliest? Yordles aren’t a species to underestimate. Hailing from the Spirit World, they all typically take the form of bipedal mammals, and all have spiritual abilities. It’s how they use them that differs. Which is what drew me down a rabbit hole on their lore and in-game abilities. It helped me determine how each yordle Champion fared when measured against one another in League of Legends.
15. Corki

- Class: Marksman
- Best Position: Mid or Bot
Corki, your run-of-the-mill yordle with the best mustache in League of Legends, is a reliable performer in combat. You’ll lean on his Q and Ultimate as they deliver good AoE poke damage. But you’re also free to roam. Just take care that his mana drops fast, so you must learn when to poke and when to hang back.
14. Rumble

- Class: Battlemage
- Best Position: Top
The young inventor known as Rumble is a feisty yordle who’s often underestimated. If you keep his Passive is full, he does wonders to disrupt the enemy team. And his W is perfect at keeping himself safe since he can be vulnerable. Plus, it’ll help him close in on enemies on the offense. At the end stages, his Ultimate can heavily damage enemy opponents who group up.
13. Fizz

- Class: Assassin
- Best Position: Mid
Fizz easily stands out among the yordles in League of Legends thanks to his amphibious-like form. The character boasts reliable abilities that make him rank well for mid-game. His Ultimate has a great kill amount, so you’ll want to farm enough to unlock it early.
Fizz can pick at enemies, but mainly 1v1. His E and Passive help rush opponents or get him out of danger, a necessity as he’s quite squishy.
12. Teemo

- Class: Specialist
- Best Position: Top
Ah, Teemo. Do you love him? Hate him with a passion? Either way, you’re not alone as this yordle generates quite the debate and controversy in League. His stealth skills aren’t to be ignored though as it’s possibly the most obnoxious (and helpful) thing about him. But although Teemo can be a nuisance, he’s still very, very squishy.
11. Tristana

- Class: Marksman
- Best Position: Mid or Bot
An enthusiastic yordle, Tristana can start out just okay, but finish a match strong. Her W can easily keep her on the move, making her more difficult to target. It also helps her reposition to gain a better vantage point. Additionally, her Ultimate launches a massive cannonball to force enemies back. If maxed out, it even has a short cooldown for frequent use.
10. Gnar

- Class: Specialist
- Best Position: Top
Gnar is proof that the cutest-looking things can throw big (and scary) tantrums. Out of all the yordles in League of Legends, Gnar is more prehistoric in nature and behavior, which makes him a wonderful bully Champion. He can transform into Mega Gnar, and it’s certainly fun to hurl things at your opponents. Just be strategic with the Mega form so you can take down enemies who group up.
9. Kennen

- Class: Specialist
- Best Position: Top
Kennen ranks high among the League of Legends yordles simply because he’s ideal for CC. This little ninja needs time though, so farming is key in the early stages. Once you can level up, he’s the perfect flank for the team.
He can poke away at enemies from a distance with his Q or hit multiple at the same time with his Ultimate. Out of all the yordles, he certainly shines more when he’s with the team.
8. Ziggs

- Class: Artillery
- Best Position: Bot or Mid
If there are explosions, Ziggs is probably involved. Just ask Jinx as they play off each other well. He’s at his best end-game to help quickly take out towers and move things along. His W and E are key to blowing up multiple enemies at the same time. He can clear rather well or aid in pushing the enemy back.
7. Heimerdinger

- Class: Specialist
- Best Position: Top or Mid
Arcane fans know Heimerdinger as the eccentric, cautious former Council member. For League players, he’s the innovative yordle Champion who can tackle enemies, towers, and Barons if set up correctly. Heimerdinger utilizes turrets to push opponents back, making him good on offense or the support side with the turrets or his E.
6. Amumu

- Class: Vanguard
- Best Position: Jungle
Amumu doesn’t resemble other yordles, but this lonely fella is indeed a spirit species. According to lore, he kills living tissue with a single touch. Known as Cursed Touch in gameplay, it’s his basic attack, but not why he ranks high as one of the toughest yordles in League of Legends. He shines mid-game with his tremendous AoE, especially with his Ultimate, which gives him ideal support or tank skills.
5. Kled

- Class: Skirmisher
- Best Position: Mid or Top
A battle-hungry yordle, Kled is fierce (if not a little deranged) in battle. Riding on Skaarl, he can mow down opponents with his Ultimate. As it leaves behind a speed trail, it’s the perfect tool to rush in with the your allies to force a team battle. He’s definitely great to disrupt enemy ranks too as his Ultimate causes him to automatically ram into the first Champion he sees.
4. Poppy

- Class: Warden
- Best Position: Top or Jungle
Poppy is an absolute beast in a small package. She’s one of the best yordles in League who can tank with the big guys. Her kit allows her to be phenomenal at both ganking and counter-ganking, which also makes her a reliable support option for the team. If you time her Ultimate correctly, you can fling an enemy out of the fight, giving you and your team time to regroup.
3. Lulu

- Class: Enchanter
- Best Position: Support
Our high-ranked support yordle mage in League, Lulu is key to snatching victories late game in League. Our sorceress has a wonderful Passive where her pixie follower aids in battle.
With her E, she can place the pixie on allies for protection and damage assistance, use it to shield herself, or use it on an enemy for constant damage. As long as you keep her Ultimate and W up, she can ensure the team tears through the enemies in the late stages.
2. Vex

- Class: Burst
- Best Position: Mid or Top
Everything is just so boring. At least in the mind of Vex, the yordle seemingly trapped as a stereotypical emo-like teenage girl. She’s a solid Champion across the board. If leveled up fast, Vex can easily clear with her Q that launches a strong missile. Meanwhile, her W keeps her free from harm, and her Ultimate is a good damage-dealer whether she’s solo or with the team.
1. Veigar

- Class: Burst
- Best Position: Mid
The Tiny Master of Evil himself, Veigar is a powerful yordle sorcerer Champion in League of Legends. His full strength is revealed late game, but leading up to it, he can still cause quite some damage. With his W and Q, Veigar can destroy enemies in close combat. And in the late game, hurting opponents with Q sets them up for an easy kill with his Ultimate.