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If making major choices in The Expanse Episode 1 makes you anxious, this guide is for you. The Expanse: A Telltale Series, Episode 1 sets the stage with a series of gripping choices that will determine the story’s course and the characters’ relationships. With the fate of the characters and the course of the story hanging in the balance, players must make their choices wisely, knowing that their decisions hold the power to shape the world of The Expanse: A Telltale Series. As players embark on their journey, they must navigate through four significant choices, each holding potential consequences that can shape their experience.
These significant choices are skillfully crafted to interweave with the overall narrative, immersing players in a gripping, decision-driven gameplay experience. The Expanse, Episode 1 ingeniously places players in the driver’s seat, allowing them to shape the story and character relationships, ensuring that no two playthroughs are alike.
Choice 1: Should You Save Rayen’s Leg or Save the Vault in the Expanse Episode 1
You face a significant decision that will shape your journey. Save Rayen’s leg, or salvage the vital supplies in the vault? Though you’re promised that the vault contains essential resources, Rayen pleads for you to save his leg.
- Save the Vault: Surprisingly, cutting off his leg doesn’t have the dire consequences you might expect. It’s quite a dilemma, but of all The Expanse’s Episode 1 Choices, maybe this is the most inconsequential. You’re crippling someone, but they will get a suitable replacement soon. This choice does impact relationships: Arlen will like you more, but Rayen won’t be as fond of you.
- Save Rayen’s Leg: On the other hand, if you save the leg, you’ll have to push it out into space, losing the chance to retrieve its contents. However, you never explicitly get to collect the supplies. The main effect here is that Rayen will like you more, but Khan will like you less due to resource wastage.
Choice 2: Should You Spare Cox or Throw Him in The Brig in The Expanse Episode 1
Now, you confront a crucial decision: what to do with Cox, the dubious character you’ve cornered. The choice is yours: launch him out into space or lock him up in the brig.
- Space Cox: If you opt to space Cox, he’ll meet a swift demise and vanish forever. While Cox’s fate doesn’t significantly impact your mission as far as choices in The Expanse, Episode 1 goes, it’s a matter of whether you wish to delve deeper into his character.
- Throw Cox in the Brig: Detaining Cox in the brig keeps him alive, offering a chance for further interactions in future episodes.
Choice 3: Where is The Laser Crystal
As the episode nears its conclusion, you face a crucial choice involving Virgil’s request for a vital laser crystal. This precious crystal will aid him in performing surgery if the situation demands, like the tough decision to saw off a teammate’s leg. To find this valuable item and be able to make all choices in The Expanse, Episode 1, follow these steps:
- Venture outside the wreckage.
- Take a left turn upon your exit into space.
- Double back on yourself until you spot a distant red beacon above you.
- Follow it to reach another section of the shipwreck.
- Explore inside and navigate the path until you reach a yellow panel. Smash it to obtain the much-needed laser crystal.
Choice 4: Where is The Cigar
The episode’s climax presents players with a high-stakes endeavor – make the choice to give a cigar to Khan The Expanse, Episode 1.
Your path leads you to discover this valuable item, and holding onto it may prove beneficial later when encountering Khan. The decision to keep and present this item to Khan later may earn you her favor and strengthen your bonds in this enthralling space adventure.
The Expanse: A Telltale Series, Episode 1 is available on PC, PS4, PS5,