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Beyond the raids and dungeons arriving with each major patch, FFXIV also brings a lot of items and gear for players to collect, and update 7.1 isn’t an exception. While some people might only care about the gear with the highest item level, some will also want to look for those armor pieces that will make the perfect glamour. Regardless of what you want, we’ve made a list of all the new items and gear you can find in FFXIV 7.1.
[Note: This guide will be updated as other minor patches launch for 7.1]
Crafted Gear

Instead of new recipes, FFXIV 7.1 allows players to upgrade their previously crafted gear of item level 710 to 720. You can do so by heading to Solution Nine and speaking with Eirene at Nexus Arcade. Here, we’ll list the total count of materials you need for all weapons and a particular armor set. For example, the Augmented Archeo Kingdom Healing Set. We won’t do an individual list because it would turn this into a full-blown encyclopedia.
Armor/Item Set | Item Requirements |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Weapons (including Paladin’s Shield) | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x17 Everkeep Rain x7 |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Set of Fending | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x67 (Chest and Legs require 17 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 11 each) Everkeep Rain x19 (Chest and Legs require 5 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 3 each) |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Set of Healing | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x67 (Chest and Legs require 17 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 11 each) Everkeep Rain x19 (Chest and Legs require 5 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 3 each) |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Set of Maiming | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x67 (Chest and Legs require 17 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 11 each) Everkeep Rain x19 (Chest and Legs require 5 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 3 each) |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Set of Striking | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x67 (Chest and Legs require 17 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 11 each) Everkeep Rain x19 (Chest and Legs require 5 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 3 each) |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Set of Scouting | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x67 (Chest and Legs require 17 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 11 each) Everkeep Rain x19 (Chest and Legs require 5 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 3 each) |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Set of Casting | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x67 (Chest and Legs require 17 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 11 each) Everkeep Rain x19 (Chest and Legs require 5 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 3 each) |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Set of Aiming | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x67 (Chest and Legs require 17 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 11 each) Everkeep Rain x19 (Chest and Legs require 5 each, and Head, Hands, and Feet Require 3 each) |
Full Set of Augmented Archeo Kingdom Accessories | Everkeep Certificate of Grade 1 Import x28 (Each accessory requires 7) Everkeep Rain x8 (Each accessory requires 2) |
Queen Eternal Weapons
FFXIV 7.1 brought The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden. This Extreme Trial features many new level 725 weapons. Should you complete it, you might get a coffer with a weapon of the current job you have equipped or Totem Eternals to exchange for the same weapons. Head to Solution Nine and speak with Uah’shepya to exchange your tokens.
Weapon(s) | Requirements |
Sword & Shield Eternal (PLD) | Totem Eternal x10 |
War Axe Eternal (WAR) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Greatsword Eternal (DRK) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Bayonet Eternal (GNB) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Spear Eternal (DRG) | Totem Eternal x10 |
War Scythe Eternal (RPR) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Knuckles Eternal (MNK) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Samurai Blade Eternal (SAM) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Knives Eternal (NIN) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Twinfangs Eternal (VPR) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Bow Eternal (BRD) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Pistol Eternal (MCH) | Totem Eternal x10 |
War Quoits Eternal (DNC) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Rod Eternal (BLM) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Index Eternal (SMN) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Rapier Eternal (RDM) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Paintbrush Eternal (PCT) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Staff Eternal (WHM) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Codex Eternal (SCH) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Torquetum Eternal (AST) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Wings Eternal (SGE) | Totem Eternal x10 |
Dungeon Gear

With the new MSQ in FFXIV 7.1, players can also obtain Dungeon Gear from Yuweyawata Field Station. Each piece has an item level of 705. This is great if you want to try any of the new raids. There’s no reason to list each piece, especially since they all come as random drops and have the same item levels. However, you can obtain a full set of armor and accessories in this dungeon, so that’s something good to keep in mind.
Other Gear (Treasure Maps/PvP Series)

Lastly, there are other items and gear players can obtain in FFXIV 7.1 by doing PvP content, treasure maps, and crafting. Here is what we’ve found:
Gear Set/Items | Requirements/How to Obtain |
Loose Fit Attire | Reach Level 25 in Series 7 Malmstones |
Wintertide Set | Corduroy Felt x5 Thunderyards Silk x8 Rroneek Serge x3 Gargantua Leather x2 Lightning Cluster x12 Wind Cluster x15 Earth Cluster x3 |
Figmental Weapons (Weapon Design Contest) | Figmental Weapon Coffer (Drops from level 100 Treasure Dungeons) |
So far, these are all the items we’ve seen in the game. However, there are more that will likely be added in future updates. With more raids coming in the 7.1 cycle, we’ll update this list with the new items and gear.