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After a very rough patch, Total War: Warhammer 3 is back on track with Thrones of Decay, which adds three new lords, many units for the Empire, Dwarfs, Nurgle, and more. Those focusing on the last faction might want to know how the new units perform in battle. With five new to pick for your campaign, learning how they work and when to use them can make a difference during your playthrough.
Every New Nurgle Unit in Total War: Warhammer 3 – Thrones of Decay
Total War: Warhammer 3 – Thrones of Decay added five new units for the Nurgle. The new additions are fantastic and offer many great abilities that’ll help you during your first campaign’s hours.
5. Pestigors

The first unit featured on this list is the Pestigors. These great axe infantry soldiers are a great addition to any Nurgle army. They possess fantastic abilities, such as Vanguard and Mark of Nurgle. Furthermore, they get great passives, such as Primal Fury, which allows them to move faster and hit harder. Overall, it is a great unit to have during the early hours of your campaign.
4. Plague Ogres

The next Nurgle unit for Total War: Warhammer 3 – Thrones of Decay is actually two: the Plague Ogres. You get two versions of them, one with great weapons and one without. The only change between these two relies on stats. The one with great weapons gets better defense and an extra charge bonus, while the other gets increased melee attack. Beyond that, both work differently in the field. The great weapon Ogres are anti-large units, while the normal ones are anti-charge. It is important to learn which one will work better depending on the army you’re facing.
3. Bile Trolls

One of the best monster units Nurgle could’ve asked for is Bile Trolls. These towering creatures are the full package: they have poison attacks, regeneration, and armor-piercing capabilities. Furthermore, they can cause fear to enemies and even inflict them with Corrosive Bile, which reduces defense. Personally, I feel these are great to have hidden somewhere on the map, as they are great for attacking certain weakened enemy units.
2. Toad Dragon

My personal favorite is the Toad Dragon and with good reason. Beyond its fantastic design, it is a huge monster capable of breaking walls and units alike. Its Unspeakable Foulness ability can apply the Suffocating effect on enemies, reducing melee attack damage and reload time. Besides that, it also has the Scaly Skin attribute, which increases missile resistance, which is great against some of the new Lords in Thrones of Decay.
1. Rot Knights

The last unit to join the fray is Rot Knights, which is basically Bile Trolls on a mount. This is, of course, a brief description, but they are much more than that. Having similar abilities to those of the Bile Trolls, Rot Knights can cause a lot of damage while moving fast around the battlefield. With Regeneration, they can stay fighting for long periods of time. This is a great unit for ambushing or just to have at the frontlines if needed.
Frankly, we feel the new Nurgle units for Total War: Warhammer 3 – Thrones of Decay are beyond fantastic, with Rot Knights and Toad Dragon taking the plagued crown. While both will take time to appear in your army, having them around is perfect as they can break enemy lines with ease. So, if you haven’t tried a Nurgle campaign yet, this is the perfect time to do it.