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Cooking in Abiotic Factor is pretty straightforward… until you start messing around with soup recipes, that is. Anyone can throw a slab of Raw Pest Rump on a makeshift frying pan and cook it up on a makeshift cooking station, but it takes some real skill to successfully cook some soup up, which, coincidentally is true irl too if we’re judging it based on my history with cooking attempts. Let’s take a look at all the soup recipes in Abiotic Factor.
How To Cook Soup in Abiotic Factor

Before you get started, you’ll need to at least have level 3 Cooking Skill. Typically raising your cooking skill can be done easily by cooking raw food with a frying pan. Next, you’ll need to either collect or craft a makeshift Cooking Pot. Finally, you’ll need to fill that cooking pot with Water and put it on a makeshift Stove to boil. Add in your ingredients, wait for it to finish cooking, and you’re good to go.
Good Soup Recipes in Abiotic Factor
Soup | Ingredients | Effects |
Bland Pea Soup | Peas Salt | +Sprint +Sneak XP |
Split Pea Soup | Peas Salt Pest | -Hunger -Thirst |
Goulash | Pest Rump Pest Salt | -Hunger -Thirst |
Meat Stew | Pecarry Chop Alien Drumstick Pest Rump | +Attack Rate +Blunt/Sharp XP |
Simple Tomato Soup | Super Tomato Salt | -Hunger -Thirst |
Creamy Tomato Bisque | Milk Sav Salt Super Tomato | -Hunger -Thirst |
Veggie Stew | Super Tomato Potato Antiverse Wheat | -Hunger -Thirst |
Sustenance Soup | MRE | +Accuracy +Reload XP |
Sweet Porridge | Antiverse Wheat Melted Ice Creat | +Venting Machine Item Effectiveness |
Sugary Slop | Doznuts Jowlers Skip | +Stamina |
Mashed Potatoes | Potato Milk Sac Salt | -Hunger -Thirst |
Sausage & Potato Stew | Peccary Sausage Potato | -Hunger -Thirst |
Hearty Stew | Exor Heart Carbunkle Mushroom Super Tomato | -25% Inventory Weight |
Balanced Stew | Raw Carbunkle Carbunkle Mushroom Salt | +Crafting XP +Construction XP |
Stewed Peccary & Mushrooms | Peccary Chop Carbunkle Mushroom Super Tomato | Unknown |
A&L Mega Stew | Exor Heart Exor Arm Alien Drumstick | +Strength +Speed |
Greyeb Chowder | Greyeb Milk Sac Potato | -Incoming Damage +Enemy Attraction |
Bad Soup
Soup | Ingedients | Effect |
Bad Soup | Random Basic Ingredients | N/A |
Weird Soup | Random Super Ingredients | N/A |
Poop Soup | Poop | +Sick +Stinky |
Toxic Soup | Rotten Food Plastic Scrap Brains | +Sick |
Killer Soup | Glass Shard Tech Scrap | Death |
Soup Items
Soup (Item) | Ingredients |
Giga Glue x4 | Preccary Skull |
Solder | Scrap Metal Silver |
Abiotic Factor is now available on PC.