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While the real world has sugar cane, Teyvat has a special plant called Sweet Flower that many people use as food ingredients. As you traverse through various nations, you will be able to find many of these flowers growing in the wild. Of course, some stores sell this item, but it’s better to just grab one from the wild. If you are running out of Sweet Flowers after cooking them all in Genshin Impact, you can check out these locations to easily harvest more of them.
Where To Find Sweet Flowers in Genshin Impact

As I’ve stated before, Sweet Flowers is a very common plant in Genshin Impact. It’s very easy to find them in the wild since they seem to grow like weeds everywhere. However, if you really need to get some quickly, here are some places I recommend you visit.
Personally, I often visit the Statue of Seven near Dawn Winery to harvest more Sweet Flowers. you can find a bunch of them growing on the plateau. Another good farming spot is at Spring Vale, though you will need to walk around some houses to find them.

Another great farming spot is around Mingyun Village. This area is located within the Liyue region, and you can also find a Statue of Seven here. After teleporting to the statue, you can head northwest to find more Sweet Flowers.

Technically, the best area to farm Sweet Flowers is in Sumeru. The reason why I don’t recommend this area is because new players won’t be able to reach it quickly. This nation is also full of plants, which may make it hard for you to gather this flower.
Where To Buy

If you don’t want to farm, you can also buy Sweet Flowers from Flora. She is the little girl who runs the flower shop in Mondstadt. I don’t recommend this method though since each flower costs 200 Mora. You can only buy ten every three days before the shop needs to be restocked.