Endgame content is absolutely crucial for loot-based games. The Division, Destiny, and Destiny 2 all struggled out of the gate to provide worthwhile content for gamers to enjoy after completing the base story. Of course, these games eventually found their footing but at launch, they just couldn’t keep their player-base invested. Anthem hopes to avoid that problem.
We now know more information regarding the endgame content for Anthem, courtesy of the “This is Anthem” gameplay videos from Bioware. You can see Part 2 of this series down below:
Free-play, strongholds, challenges, and legendary contracts all seem to be unique enough to keep players from losing their minds while grinding for the best loot. The addition of cataclysm events is, by far, the most intriguing content to look out for. These limited-time events will be huge for Anthem. Here’s an excerpt from an official blog post, detailing what these cataclysms actually are:
“The world of Anthem is terrifying, dangerous, and unpredictable – and you will have to deal with its deadliest phenomena, called Cataclysms. These world events cause physical changes to the world like extreme weather, deluges of hostile creatures, and changes to the landscape that will reveal new mysteries to solve.”
Unfortunately, this isn’t something we’ll see day one. Cataclysms are coming to the game shortly after its launch (You can see the full post-launch roadmap here)
The ability to change to a harder difficulty (including 3 Grandmaster difficulties) in order to obtain better loot is a huge plus. In addition to all of that, the game will also feature a 16-player social hub called the Launch Bay, where players can show off their favorite gear with their friends and other fellow Freelancers.
We won’t know if this will be enough content to satisfy gamers until Anthem officially releases and we get our hands on the full game.
Anthem releases February 22nd, 2019 for
Is this enough endgame content for you? Or do you think Anthem will lack the content necessary to keep you interested? What were your thoughts on the public beta? Let us know in the comments below!