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The August 21 Apex Legends update has officially gone live across all platforms. This patch is the first update we’ve had since the launch of season 18 in early August, and it brings along some welcomed changes! Unfortunately, Respawn Entertainment has not yet come out with an official list of patch notes. Instead, there is only a short tweet highlighting three of the changes. Thanks to the hard work of diligent fans, however, said patch notes are available for all of us to view.
Patch Notes for the Apex Legends August 21 Update

Because Respawn Entertainment has not fully released the official patch notes, many fixes below were found via the Apex Legends Trello board. Some bug fixes are still being investigated. It is entirely possible that the list below is missing some aspects of the August 21 Apex Legends update.
- Ranked LP progress bar is visible in the match summary again
- Players who join a Mixtape match in progress no longer have abilities disabled
- The timer for Revenant’s Forged Shadows ultimate no longer disappears
- (Fixed) [Broken Moon] Inconsistent OOB trigger on Production Yard Roof
- (Fixed) [PC: Control] Error when reconnecting on spawn screen
- (Fixed) Enabling “Clamp Mouse Cursor to Game Window” causes the mouse cursor to be invisible
Issues to be Resolved in a Future Patch

Unfortunately, there are still several frustrating bugs that are plaguing the game. Although an update just dropped as of August 21, we can only hope that these bugs are fixed are resolved sooner rather than later. The most pressing issues can be found in the list below.
- Unable to see remaining players’ and teammates’ damage/stats while spectating
- Unable to reroll challenges
- [Valkyrie] Blade Barrage unequipping when returning to the lobby
- [Revenant] Legend not unlocking after completing challenges until the game is rebooted
- Button prompts may not appear on the summary/death screen, including the report button – but buttons still work!
Related: What Are Disruptor Rounds in Apex Legends? Explained
Despite some ongoing bugs, Apex Legends is just as fun to play as ever. Check out our official Revenant Reborn guide to grasp how to utilize Revenant’s massive rework.