Some time ago, the aging filter went viral on networks, at least more on TikTok. Most people looked horrible with the exaggerated features of “old age.” However, some people are blessed with too much beauty, and this filter makes them look fabulous, even if they have exaggerated wrinkles or gray hair. Yet, these beautiful people were whimpering about their looks even though they looked great. So, a well-known Arkansas influencer, Dustin Poynter, better known as the Flag guy, used the aging filter to show that he did look bad with it and did a self-roast.
The Redditor mindyour shared on r/TikTokCringe this video, but the original belongs to this influencer best known for running around reacting to videos with giant green or red flags. But this time, the Flag guy leaves the flags aside to test the aging filter, comparing himself to the people who look great and still complain, while Dustin Poynter doesn’t look his best and does a self-roast. The others testing the filter don’t look as wrinkled or as bald, but Dustin takes the opportunity to make his best jokes about looking old and to shut the others up.
That last shut up though…
Dustin looks even worse in the last part of the video; that’s why this user attached the already-known gif of a zombie doing a jumpscare. And that zombie looks like Dustin with the filter. In general, the Flag guy represents most of us. Not all of us look like supermodels who will survive the aging filter or will look as cool when we are 60 or 80 years old. At some point, age will catch up with us all, and the best thing to do is accept it with dignity. Of course, there are also many things to prevent the passage of time on our faces.