Wasteland 3 is a vast open-world game with plenty of content, so it might be a…
Author: Andrew Vaughan

Andrew is a man of many talents and has been playing games for decades. He has a great love for Diablo-style RPGs and C&C style RTS. He specializes in writing guides. follow him on Twitter at @HighwaymanSlade.
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Stories By Andrew Vaughan
Title: Wasteland 3 Publisher: inXile Entertainment Developer: inXile Entertainment Genre: RPG, CRPG, Action, Dark Humor,…
Ever since the first Fallout game, Deathclaws have been appearing in every single entry to…
In Minecraft, the player can craft a whole host of tools and items to help…
In Fallout 76, Screws are a vital resource needed for upgrades and crafting, and due…
In Stardew Valley, there are a plethora of different crops the player can plant and…
In Stardew Valley Blueberries are one of the many different kinds of crops players will…
Feral Ghouls are one of the many enemies that have been appearing in the Fallout series…
In Stardew Valley there are countless items players will need to craft other items, and the…