Title: Better Call Saul: “Slip” Air Date: June 5th, 2017 Network: AMC Genre: Drama, Crime-Thriller Flashbacks are considerably hard to do…
Author: Andrew McMahon
Marketing can make or break any product, especially movies, so it’s under the assumption that each individual piece of it…
Beeple, aka Mike Winkelmann, is hands down one of the most talented and dedicated digital artist workings today, as he has…
After a well deserved two week hiatus, Jimmy, and the Gang – though I guess he’s more Saul than Jimmy…
Title: Alien: Covenant Release Date: May 19, 2017 Studio: 20th Century Fox Director: Ridley Scott Release Format: Theatrical The Alien franchise…
Despite being out for over a year now – recently celebrating that anniversary with a bunch of perks and goodies…
Virtual Reality is a hot commodity, with everyone from hardcore gamers to grandmothers who have never touched a video game…
PlayStation and Xbox fanboys have been arguing over the merits of Trophies vs Achievements since their inceptions, with each holding…
We all know everyone’s favorite talking monkey scientist in Overwatch, Winston was raised on the moon, but now players will…
As the highest paid actor in Hollywood, it’s no surprise that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has his hand in every…