I have to say, I am rather disgusted when it comes to Batman V Superman.…
Author: Chris George

Former professional wrestler, father of entirely too many kids but a gamer forever. I live just south of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. I went to school for Game Development and have been following my passion for gaming in top gear recently.
--Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever
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Our expert writers produce precise guides, news, and features, and our team regularly updates articles to keep information current. Additionally, older articles are clearly marked if they may contain outdated information, with updates noted as needed.
Stories By Chris George
With only two episodes left in the Walking Dead Season Six, fans have been eagerly…
Title: The Walking Dead “The Same Boat” Air Date: March 13th, 2016 Network: AMC Genre:…
Depending on your age or the amount of alcohol you’ve had to drink, you most…
Title: The Walking Dead “Twice as Far” Air Date: March 20th, 2016 Network: AMC Genre:…
Title: The Solus Project Version Tested: PC Available On: Xbox One, Windows Developer: Teotl, Grip…
It looks like Harrison Ford is ready to dust off his fedora and crack the…
It seems Lobo may finally be on his way to the big screen thanks to…