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Who would’ve thought bees had their own holiday? In Bee Swarm Simulator, Beesmas isn’t very different from Christmas. You’ve got presents, minigames, decorations, events. and even fluffy, white snow! In fact, during Beesmas, you’ll definitely want to farm as many Snowflakes and Gingerbread Bears as you can since both grant various buffs. Naturally, there’s an efficient way to do this in Roblox, so if you want to farm Snowflakes and Gingerbread Bears fast, try these methods in Bee Swarm Simulator.
What Are Snowflakes & Gingerbread Bears in Bee Swarm Simulator? Explained

During Beesmas in Bee Swarm Simulator, there is what’s called the Bee Bear’s Catalog. It’s a unique shop that only accepts Snowflakes and Gingerbread Bears. In that sense, they’re both considered currency and come in handy for buying special items like Super Smoothies, eggs, and Star Treats.
However, both Gingerbread Bears and Snowflakes also act as consumables, the former being a treat item and the other being a player buff. If you feed your Gingerbread Bears to your bees, they’ll be granted +250 to their bond and a 1% chance of turning the bee into a Gifted Bee.
And if you hold onto your Gingerbread Bears until the next Beesmas event, they’ll turn into Aged Gingerbread Bears, which doubles the amount of bonding granted and increases the chance of a gifted bee to 1.1%.
Snowflakes, on the other hand, grants the Cool Breeze buff. It only lasts nine seconds, but you can stack a bunch at one time. You’ll have faster conversion rates, pollen from tools, bees, capacity, loot luck, and even more honey per pollen.
Beesmas Guide: Best Way to Farm Snowflakes Fast

Out of the two, Snowflakes are the easiest to farm in Bee Swarm Simulator than Gingerbread Bears. This is because Snowflakes spawn naturally in fields, which isn’t the most efficient way to find them because they spawn slowly and even despawn after a few seconds. Instead, you want to try your hand at the Retro Swarm Challenge.
You see, during the Retro Swarm Challenge, brick blooms happen frequently—every round, in fact, and several times throughout the round. If you destroy them, and you will, you’ll earn Snowflakes pretty fast. There’s just one problem: other players can pick up the Snowflakes, too. Luckily, there are multiple fields, so it’s easy to find one where you’re on your own.

Of course, if you prefer to run solo, the best way to farm Snowflakes fast in Bee Swarm Simulator is by defeating the Snowbear. who spawns in Spider Field. The amount of Snowflakes that drop does vary based on the Snowbear’s level, granting more at higher levels.
To make the most Snowflakes from the Snowbear, it should be you who summons the boss. You’ll earn more rewards from defeating the Snowbear than you would if you were just helping someone else. Snowflakes will also spawn during the fight, and every time, the Snowbear loses a quarter of its health.
Beesmas Guide: Best Way to Farm Gingerbread Bears Fast

Gingerbread Bears are notably tougher to obtain during Beesmas and it’s mainly due to having no natural resource. You can’t just watch a Snowflake spawn in the wild; Gingerbread Bears don’t do that. These are primarily given out after completing specific challenges, the main one being the Stick Bug raid.
There are two ways to do the Stick Bug raid: by giving the translator—obtained from Science Bear quests—to the Stick Bug atop the big mushroom at the spawn or by following the “Dancing With Stick Bug” quest via Spirit Bear. If you use a translator, know that you’ll also need 50 tickets to start the challenge; otherwise it’s once for free every 36 hours.
During the challenge, Stick Bugs will appear all over the map, and if you kill them, you’ll get Gingerbeard Bears. Do that and complete Bee Bear quests while also slipping in time at the Gingerbread House. You can claim one!