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One might look at Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes and feel the game is too simple and a few beginner tips are unnecessary. Wrong. Don’t let the style or colorfulness fool you; there are many things to learn while traveling with your merry band of heroes. With a deep combat system, a plethora of mini-games, and other JRPG staples, it can be challenging for newcomers. Luckily for you, we’ve grabbed the best tricks for new adventurers to make your journey in Allraan a breeze.
10. You Can Bench Story-Related Characters

One thing that tends to annoy players in many JRPGs with an established main cast is not being able to swap them out. It makes sense, though; they are the ones carrying the plot. However, with 120 heroes to pick, you want to give a few others their chance to shine. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes doesn’t explain it in its tips, but you can actually “bench” some story characters like Nowa, Garr, and more. When forming a party, you can send the mandatory heroes to the attendees’ slots. Doing so will keep them in your group for story purposes but won’t be playable, thus allowing you to use any other ally in the game. This is extremely useful for those wanted to level up other heroes or try different compositions.
9. Healing is Free At Your HQ

Once you unlock fast travel and build the Hero’s Den in your HQ, healing becomes free. Resting at an inn restores your health and MP. However, doing so at inns in certain towns and cities costs baqua, and the price keeps increasing as you discover new locales. If you already have fast travel, you can teleport to your HQ, rest at the inn, and return with a fully healed party. It might be healing with extra steps, but if you can save some money in the process, teleporting constantly doesn’t hurt.
8. The Trading Post Is The Best Way to Make Money in the Early Hours

You will encounter the trading post early in the game. Initially, you might think the things this shop buys and sells are obtainable elsewhere. That isn’t the case. This feature is the game’s stock market, and by buying and selling, you can make a good amount of money. You need to learn how to play with the supply and demand of things, but if you’re good at that, you can fund all your healing items and armor effortlessly. Furthermore, you need to make a lot of profit through this mechanic to recruit a particular character.
7. Almost Everything Respawns in 5 Minutes

After a bit of experimenting, one of the best tips we can give you for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is using the 5-minute rule. From what we saw, every fishing spot and gathering node respawns in five minutes. This is extremely useful if you’re looking for rare fish or materials. The latter is crucial to developing your HQ, and keeping track of where to find certain ingredients and waiting a bit to farm them is worth it.
6. There’s An Easy Way to Avoid Enemy Encounters

In true Pokemon style, there is a time when we get tired of fighting random foes every five minutes. Thankfully, after reaching a certain part of the story (we won’t spoil it for you) or building the accessory shop in your HQ, you can grab the repel equivalent for this game. The Monster Repel Charm decreases the chances of encountering random enemies. It won’t stop them from spawning, but it will reduce encounters significantly, allowing you to focus on farming or reaching the end of a dungeon faster.
5. The Den of the Dunes is the Best Place to Farm Experience

If you want to get money in the midgame and level up other characters in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, here’s a tip for you: stick to The Den of the Dunes. This place, which holds a challenging optional boss, is also a perfect place for leveling up. Most enemies are easy to beat and also have a chance of dropping appraisal items. You can make a lot of money and experience here if you want to add new heroes to your group.
4. You Can Watch All Hero Combo Requirements From the Status Menu

Hero Combos are flashy, powerful, and pretty fun to pull off. However, the game doesn’t explicitly tell you which heroes you need to perform. However, there is a way you can look at that and plan your party composition. By heading to the status menu, you can press Y or Triangle to swap menus until you reach the Hero Combos section and see which characters you need for a combo and which ones you unlock. For example, Nowa has three. One with Seign, another with Lian, and one more with Seign and Marisa together. You can do this for all your allies.
3. There Are No Missable Characters (So Far)

Many titles tend to time-game certain events or recruitment scenes, but that didn’t happen in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, or at least not during our 60 hours. While there was one bug that prevented us from recruiting one hero, none of them were missable or time-gated. You can recruit every ally at any moment, assuming you know where they are and meet the conditions to hire them.
2. There Aren’t Classic Weapon Systems in the Game

With 120 heroes to recruit, I’m thankful for this. Contrary to FF7: Rebirth or the recent Yakuza titles, you don’t need to worry about collecting or crafting new weapons. Each ally has their own signature weapon, meaning you only need to upgrade it instead of getting new ones. While upgrading all of them will be expensive, I’m happy I don’t have to manage armaments for every character.
1. Story Character Recruits Usually Tell You The Recommended Level for Certain Fights

All quests in the game never tell you what level you need for a fight or a dungeon. Most of the time, you only need to make a wild guess and hope the boss won’t kick your pixelated butt. However, we noticed that the characters you recruit through the main story usually have the recommended level for a certain encounter. This is the easiest way to figure out if your group is ready for the challenge. If you see the new hero a bit above your level, which hardly ever happens, you might have to level up first.
While Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes explains most things, these tips should come a long way during your adventure. With so many things to find and do, it can get overwhelming at times, but don’t rush this journey; take it all in. Eventually, you’ll be able to master the lands of Allraan and lead your rebellion against the oppressive empire.