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Argenta joins your team early on during Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader. She is a powerful Soldier that provides long-range support and can take a few hits. Unlike other companions, Argenta’s usefulness will depend on her available skills and archetype. Even the best ranged weapon you can find won’t perform well Argenta isn’t built right. Here is the best Argenta build in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader that brings out her full potential.
Best Archetypes For Argenta in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader

Argenta always starts as a Soldier. Once you reach Level 15, she can pursue the Bounty Hunter, Arch-Militant, or Master Tactician archetypes. The Arch-Militant is the choice if you want the best Argenta build in Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader. Thanks to Versatility, switching between weapon types and dealing damage makes her attacks more accurate while dealing more damage.
While the other two archetypes aren’t bad, they don’t allow you to utilize Argenta properly. Bounty Hunter doesn’t help Argenta build more damage and doesn’t utilize her various weapon proficiencies. There are better candidates for the Master Tactician archetype, leaving Arch-Militant as the only strong option.
Argenta will always shift into an Exemplar once she fully masters the Arch-Militant archetype. If you make a mistake while allocating skills, you can always respec Argenta. This helps if you are changing teammates and want Argenta to have better synergy with the new team lineup.
Best Skills For Argenta

Argenta’s skill choice as a Soldier is important since you want her skills with firearms to be as high as possible. Focusing on her Ballistic Skill makes her burst attacks more accurate. Giving her the Heavy Weapon Proficiency allows her to wield more powerful weapons with burst attacks. Rapid Fire allows burst attacks to double their rate of fire at the cost of slightly lower damage. A worthy trade-off when higher Ballistic Skill means your shots are more likely to hit.
Level | First Skill Selection | Second Skill Selection |
1 | Run and Gun | N/A |
2 | Awareness | N/A |
3 | Revel in Slaughter | N/A |
4 | Firearm Mastery | Rack and Ruin |
5 | Ballistic Skill | Fired Up |
6 | Ballistic Skill | Rapid Fire |
7 | Perception | Nimble |
8 | Muzzle Velocity | Awareness |
9 | Firearm Mastery 2 | N/A |
10 | Rapid Reload | N/A |
11 | Agility | N/A |
12 | Controlled Shot | Your Preference for Party Roles |
13 | Perception | Heavy Weapon Proficiency |
14 | Unfaltering Fire | It Will Not Die |
15 | Bolt Weapon Expert | Optional |
16 | Firearm Mastery Upgrade 3 | N/A |
Arch-Militant Skills
As an Arch-Militant, Argenta should now have two weapon types equipped to take advantage of Versatility. Steady Superiority gives Argenta the chance to make an additional attack every turn, boosting her damage potential. Exploit Weakness allows Argenta to team up with Master Tacticians and tear through anyone with reduced armor. Reckless Rush is great for moving around and temporarily doubling your Versatility stacks.
Level | First Skill Selection | Second Skill Selection |
16 | Versatility | N/A |
17 | Wildfire | N/A |
18 | Always Ready | N/A |
19 | Steady Superiority | N/A |
20 | AP Increase | Ballistic Skill |
21 | Critical Versatility | Ballistic Skill |
22 | Cautious Approach | Overpower |
23 | Awareness | Adaptable |
24 | Perception | Heavy Gunner |
25 | Preferred Targets | N/A |
26 | Demolitions | Perception |
27 | Steady Superiority | N/A |
28 | Demolitions | Exploit Weakness |
29 | Agility | Breaking Point |
30 | Reckless Rush | N/A |
31 | Lifetime of Scars | N/A |
32 | Agility | Demolition |
33 | Distract | Agility |
34 | Toughness | Agility |
35 | Steady Superiority | N/A |