Genshin Impact implemented the Waterborne Poetry during its version 4.1. In this event, Venti and Hu Tao perform a poem exchange to share the culture of both nations. As a reward for fulfilling the tasks of this event, players can claim the 5-star catalyst Ballad of the Boundless Blue. However, this catalyst is a unique item for this event and cannot be obtained afterward. This weapon comes together with its refinement material, the Dandelion Bookmark. For this catalyst, some characters can take better advantage of its bonuses. Here are the best characters for Ballad of the Boundless Blue for Genshin Impact.
Genshin Impact: Best Characters for Ballad of the Boundless Blue

The effect of assigning this catalyst is to increase the character’s Energy Recharge and damage percentage. These effects are the result of combining Normal Attacks and Charged Attacks. So, it is best to use characters that benefit from interleaving attacks. Also, an advantage of the Ballad of the Boundless Blue is that it is a Free-to-Play catalyst of Genshin Impact. As mentioned, you can get it in an event with all its ascension materials. So it is easier to make your build for characters like:
The Energy Recharge bonus will help him to collect energy and recharge her Elemental Burst, which has a long cooldown time. If you assign the Ballad of the Boundless Blue to Neuvillette, this catalyst will allow you to use his ulti more times. Also, it will increase the number of times you can activate his Charged Attack. Although this weapon will add a little more damage to Neuvillette’s stats, he already has a high amount of damage per second.
The user MMOJACKX57 explains how Ballad of the Boundless Blue works with Neuvillette.
The Wanderer’s combat involves spamming Normal and Charged Attacks, especially with his Elemental Skill. While Wanderer is flying, he has unlimited attacks in that period of time. This catalyst also gives Hat Guy an attack bonus for his Normal Attack. As an Anemo character, Wanderer can create several Elemental Reactions and recharge energy quickly for his ult. But that recharge increases by having Ballad of the Boundless Blue equipped.
Her gameplay uses her small bombs from her Normal Attacks and a heavier one from the Charged Attacks. Usually, Klee’s ulti takes longer to recharge, so assigning Ballad of the Boundless Blue helps balance her recharge time. Remember that the most important thing when playing with this Pyro witch is to keep a short distance from enemies and aim well. Also, Klee works better with more constellations, so she is a somewhat complex character to use.
The Energy Recharge bonus is perfect to use with Yanfei. This lawyer plays mainly by interspersing Normal Attacks to generate seal maps to make a strong-charged attack. Yanfei’s best builds are the ones where she does damage with both types of attacks to collect energy and spam her Elemental Burst. So Yanfei is perfect together with Ballad of the Boundless Blue, which will increase her damage stat.
Another character that combines both attack types, but unlike other characters, Heizou’s base attack is higher than average. So, equipping this detective with Ballad of the Boundless Blue would further increase his default damage. Heizou can also generate stacks quickly and recharge energy for his Elemental Burst. Unfortunately, this character needs the player well-positioned to do the desired effect, making it difficult to use.
Ballad of the Boundless Blue is a good weapon for some Genshin Impact characters. Its main benefit is that it doesn’t have a cost, or that you don’t need to spend Primogems to get it. It can be tedious to go through all the stages of the Waterborne Poetry Event if you prefer to avoid reading the endless dialogues in the game. And don’t worry if you don’t have any of the 5-star characters. This catalyst synergizes well with Heizou and Yanfei, who have been in Genshin Impact longer. Besides, these two characters have a fun, flexible, and varied gameplay.