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Who needs teleporting boomerangs or a giant chaingun when you can blow your enemies to smithereens with a constant barrage of grenades? Rocksteady has ensured there are several viable builds for Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, but her best arguably centers around bringing as many explosives as possible to the battlefield. With the right elemental Afflictions from Poison Ivy, these explosives can get pretty OP, leaving you free to explore other weapon combos on the side. Here’s the best Harley Quinn build in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.
Harley Quinn Playstyle

Harley’s grappling hook and glider movement can be frustrating compared to her squadmates’ traversal powers, but it’s still useful for getting an aerial view of enemies. You ideally want to be swooping around the battlefield, dropping grenades from above, and then finishing enemies off with melee or pistol attacks when they’re vulnerable. Using weapons with the Freeze Affliction allows you to pin enemies in place and then shatter them almost immediately, allowing you to dispense with large groups of enemies effortlessly. Just stay on the move, because all those crowd-control powers come at the cost of your defense.

Harley Quinn has three Talent trees in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and her best build requires some careful picks in each. Though there are a couple of outliers, almost all of the Talents you’ll want will bolster her grenades or Combos, allowing her to toss explosives as often as possible without worrying too much about running out. Here are all the Talents you’ll need:
- Carnevil (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Bigger Bang (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Handy Hand Cannons (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Group Therapy (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Cherry Bomb (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Bottle Rocket (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Grenade Parade (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Encore! (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Clown Smackdown (Thrills N’ Kills)
- The Ballerina (Thrills N’ Kills)
- Home Run Hitter (Meet My Mallet)
- Suicide Strike (Meet My Mallet)
- Arkham Special (Meet My Mallet)
- Drone in the Zone (Meet My Mallet)
- Audience Participation (Meet My Mallet)
- Three Strikes (Meet My Mallet)
- Powder Keg (Meet My Mallet)
- Big Swinger (Meet My Mallet)
- Tightrope Act (Meet My Mallet)
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Meet My Mallet)
- Twinkletoes (One Woman Show)
- Trapeze Artist (One Woman Show)
- What Goes Up (One Woman Show)
- Bird of Prey (One Woman Show)
- Slidin’ Shrapnel (One Woman Show)
- Juggler’s Delight (One Woman Show)
- A Grapple a Day… (One Woman Show)
- Agent of Chaos (One Woman Show)
- Squad Ultimate (One Woman Show)
- Ultimate Thrillride (One Woman Show)
This selection of Talents allows you to steadily generate Combo by using grenades to kill clusters of enemies, something you’ll be doing a lot of since these Talents also increase the odds of grenades dropping. The goal is to generate a simple feedback loop: blow up enemies, get grenades, blow up enemies. By the time you encounter tougher enemy variants, you’ll likely have your Suicide Strike and Traversal Attack to help deal with them.
Weapons and Gear

This Harley Quinn build works best with close- and mid-range weapons, particularly Pistols and SMGs. One of the best is Bizarro’s Undeath Ray, a Notorious Pistol. Bizarro’s Undeath Ray strikes enemies with the Craze Affliction whenever you score a critical hit, and it also deals additional damage to Crazed enemies. Because you deal more damage the longer the enemy has been Crazed, this weapon encourages you to blast a few enemies to inflict Craze before circling back to your original target to take advantage of the bonus damage. When the Joker arrives, Harley’s ideal loadout might change, however.
Though this build favors Pistols over SMGs overall, Death Rattle is a great choice for a secondary weapon. This Infamous SMG is available as part of Bane’s Ragem and it synergizes well with Bizarro’s Undeath Ray thanks to its Venom Frenzy mechanic. If you equip three items from the Bane’s Rage set (such as Choke Hold), you’ll also get +200% grenade damage and much better odds of slain enemies dropping grenades. Although Craze and Freeze are both obvious picks for this combo of weapons and grenades, it’s worth experimenting with the other Afflictions to find one that works best for your individual playstyle. Harley Quinn’s best build in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is explosive fun with the right Afflictions.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and