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There are over 1,000 Pokemon in the National Pokedex, but only some are Legendary. With trainers battling it out everywhere, the question inevitably arises: which Legendary Pokemon is the best? From the lowliest Caterpie to the strongest Zygarde, Pokemon fall everywhere on the spectrum of power, but Legendaries stand apart. While a Pokemon’s base stat total (the raw measurement of its potential) says a lot, it’s not the only factor in determining who’s the best. Types, movesets, and other details play important roles. A lot has changed from Red and Blue to Scarlet and Violet. Here are the 10 best Legendary Pokemon, ranked.
What Makes a Pokémon Strong?

Ash didn’t become World Champion by just catching the top 10 most powerful Pokemon and calling it a day. Although base stats give you a snapshot of a Pokemon’s raw power, you’ll need to keep other important features in mind if you want to catch (and beat) ’em all. A Pokemon’s strength in the games also depends on its types and abilities. Whether it’s Pichu or Tapu Koko, every Pokemon can be strong with the right competitive strategies. Here’s what you need to know about what makes a Pokemon strong.
Base Stats
Every Pokemon possesses the same six base stats. Like characters in an RPG, they give players a way to assess a Pokemon’s overall potential. Pokemon with better defensive stats make for natural tanks. Those with better offensive stats let you shred through your opponent’s defenses. Quick Pokemon, meanwhile, are good at getting moves off before the enemy can respond. Understanding base stats is fundamental to understanding a Pokemon’s battle potential. Here are the base stats and what they do:
- HP – How much damage the Pokemon can take before it faints
- Attack – How much damage the Pokemon deals with Physical moves
- Defense – How much Physical damage the Pokemon resists
- Special Attack – How much damage the Pokemon deals with Special moves
- Special Defense – How much Special damage the Pokemon resists
- Speed – How likely the Pokemon is to act first in battle
Type Advantages and Match-Ups
Every Pokemon (and move) has one or more types that define its nature. Every type has strengths and weaknesses, turning battles into a complicated game of Rock Paper Scissors. Since there are 18 different types, however, Pokemon battles are much more complicated! Your Pokemon deal extra damage when they have an advantageous type match-up. They take more damage when the match-up is disadvantageous. Even trainers with the most powerful Pokemon create teams with balanced compositions to prevent losing everything to a single bad match-up.
Abilities and Their Impact on Gameplay
Some Pokemon have unique abilities that grant them immunity to certain moves or that buff their stats under specific circumstances. Levitate makes a Pokemon immune to Ground-type moves, for example, while Overgrow powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokemon’s HP is low. Even the strongest Legendary Pokemon can benefit from these abilities. A great example is Ho-Oh‘s ability to recover health thanks to Regenerator. Trainers who understand abilities always have an advantage in battle.
Signature Moves and Exclusive Items
Signature moves are techniques exclusive to one Pokemon, evolutionary family, or even Legendary group. Pokemon-specific items, likewise, only enhance the power of one particular Pokemon. Famous examples include Mega Stones and Z-Crystals. With these, Pokemon can activate powerful Z-Moves or even transform into new and powerful forms. Understanding these mechanics is crucial for any trainer who intends to use Legendary Pokemon to their fullest.
Evolutionary Potential and Power Gains
The last major facet of Pokemon strategy revolves around evolutionary potential and power gains. Evolution allows a weak Pokemon like Magikarp to transform into a powerhouse like Gyarados, changing not only its appearance but also its stats and abilities. Leveling up your Pokemon enough to evolve them is a crucial part of gameplay, since these evolutions are required to unlock a Pokemon’s full strength. Although Legendary Pokemon like Eternatus and Zygarde may not evolve, they do have alternate forms that give them similar advantages. With all this in mind, what is the most powerful Pokemon?
The 10 Most Powerful Pokémon
10. Ho-Oh

Base Stat Total: 680
In the lore, Ho-Oh is said to bring eternal happiness to those who behold it. It certainly brings happiness to players who take it into battle. Boasting an impressive base stat total of 680, this Fire/Flying Pokemon hasn’t waned much in popularity since Gen 2. This guardian of the skies has a high Special Defense and a fantastic hidden ability: Regenerator. This power allows Ho-Oh to recover 1/3 of its Max HP when switched out, allowing it to recover mid-battle. Don’t be fooled just because Ho-Oh appears at the bottom of the Legendary Pokemon list. It’s still one of the best in the series.
9. Mewtwo

Base Stat Total: 680
No Pokemon Legendary collection would be the same without Mewtwo. Created from Mew’s DNA, this iconic Psychic-type terrorized Ash and his friends in Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back. It hasn’t been much nicer to players in the games. Special Attack and Speed are Mewtwo’s defining stats, but with a base stat total of 680, there aren’t many real weaknesses here, making it an easy pick for many team comps. There’s a reason Mewtwo has been banned from tournaments before. If you want a cool Psychic on your squad, you might be stuck with Espeon or Alakazam instead.
8. Rayquaza

Base Stat Total: 680
Though far from the only Legendary dragon, Rayquaza is one of the strongest, possessing the ability to Mega Evolve without a Mega Stone. While Mega Rayquaza may not look wildly different from its untransformed version, you’d never know that from the stats. With a base stat total of 680, Rayquaza is capable of much more than just calming Kyogre and Groudon. The Guardian of the Skies gets big boosts to its Attack and Special attack when it Mega Evolves, but it dishes out the pain even without transforming. This Dragon/Flying Pokemon isn’t just one of the best Legendaries in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it’s also one of the best Legendaries period.
7. Eternatus

Base Stat Total: 690
Ignore the fact that Eternamax looks like someone crossed Starro the Conqueror with a hydra. The driving force behind Galar’s Darkest Day, Eternatus is even faster than Arceus and Crowned Sword Zamazenta. Though its base form is intimidating, Eternatus becomes one of the strongest Legendaries in the series when it transforms into Eternamax. With off-the-charts Defense and Special Defense (658 each), this Poison/Dragon Pokemon can withstand even the most powerful attacks. It’s fortunate Ash didn’t run into this Pokemon early on, because his adventures might’ve ended way before he became Pokemon Master.
6. Black/White Kyurem

Base Stat Total: 700
Black Kyurem and White Kyurem are mirrors of one another. Which one you get depends on whether Kyurem absorbs the power of Reshiram or Zekrom. The White variation has a high Special Attack and relatively weak Defense, while the Black variation has a high Attack and relatively weak Special Defense. You can’t go wrong with either color, since Black/White Kyurem is one of the best Legendary Pokemon either way. A Dragon/Ice-type with a diverse selection of elemental attacks and two awesome looks was destined to get attention, and Kyurem remains a popular (and potent) pick.
5. Crowned Shield Zamazenta

Base Stat Total: 700
Knowing what Zacian can do with a sword, you’d expect Crowned Shield Zamazenta to be a defensive fortress. You’d be right. With a Defense and Special Defense of 416, Crowned Shield Zamazenta isn’t just an amazing Legendary, it’s also one of the best tanks in the game. Its Special Attack is lacking, but this Pokemon’s other stats more than make up for it. If you need to weather the storm of a dangerous opponent, Zamazenta is the one for you. That’s probably why Zamazenta is known for its protective nature and role as a guardian in the lore. With dangerous Pokemon and villains like Team Rocket running around, we’d want somebody to protect us too.
4. Crowned Sword Zacian

Base Stat Total: 700
The Okami vibes are strong with this sword-wielding canine. The transformation from Hero of Many Battles to Crowned Sword does more than add Steel to Zacian’s type list. It also grants this Legendary Pokemon one of the highest Attack potentials in the game. Not convinced Zacian is one of the best Legendary Pokemon? This hound also boasts a Speed stat almost as high as its Special Attack, allowing it to land devastating blows before its opponents can even react. Zacian represents the Warrior archetype in the Pokemon universe, leaving no wonder why people revere it for its speed and strength.
3. Terapagos

Base Stat Total: 700
Ignore the fact that Terapagos’s Stellar form looks like an overdecorated Christmas ornament. The only thing stronger than this mythical Pokemon’s connection to nature is its top-tier base stat total of 700. It’s no surprise that this celestial turtle isn’t the fastest Legendary Pokemon around. That said, with a Defense and Special Defense this high, Terapagos hardly needs to go first. Even more impressive is its overwhelming Special Attack, giving this Gen 9 cutie enough resilience and strength in battle to go toe-to-toe with Zygarde and other Legendary Pokemon.
2. Complete Forme Zygarde

Base Stat Total: 708
Zygarde can appear as a hound, a snake, or the Pokemon equivalent of a Megazord, depending on its form. By gathering together 100% of its scattered Zygarde Cells this legendary Pokemon enters its Complete Forme, becoming the only Pokemon close to rivaling Arceus with an incredible base stat total of 708. In Pokemon lore, Zygarde maintains the ecosystem, and you know any Pokemon capable of keeping the whole world alive is in the running for the title of “Strongest Pokemon.” With high attack and defensive capabilities, Complete Forme Zygarde can play whatever role you need it to in your roster.
1. Arceus

Base Stat Total: 720
Known as the “Original One,” despite sitting at #493 in the Pokedex, Arceus is the god of Pokemon and the highest base stat Pokemon. Boasting an unmatched (and perfectly balanced) 720 base stat total, Arceus is equally fearsome on the attack or defense. As if it weren’t already versatile enough, Arceus can change its type through the use of Plates and Z-Crystals, giving it incredible battle potential. With godly status in the canon, iconic looks, and a stat block reflecting its powerful nature in the Pokemon universe, there’s just no topping Arceus. For those reasons, we have to give it the number one spot.
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