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Cyberpunk 2077 embraces the sci-fi potential for body modification, especially where combat is concerned. There’s arguably no better example of this potential than the Mantis Blades. These retractable cybernetics allow the player to deploy lethal weapons at a moment’s notice. Sometimes, that’s what it takes to survive in Night City. With recent balance adjustments and the release of the Phantom Liberty DLC, there’s never been a better time to experiment with these unique weapons. Here’s everything you need to know about putting together the best Mantis Blades build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0.
Cyberpunk 2077 Mantis Blades Playstyle

There’s considerable overlap between what works for the best melee build and the best Mantis Blades build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0. Each has its pros and cons, and some will inevitably prefer the stealth and style of Mantis Blades more. This unique cyberware has a high attack speed, so keeping the pressure on enemies and moving from one target to another is simple. Movement typically plays as large a role in Mantis Blades builds as DPS, so use the terrain and your position to your advantage. Perks and additional cyberware help, but they don’t replace game sense and a good understanding of the Mantis Blades themselves. Like other melee builds, Mantis Blades leave you vulnerable when crossing open areas. Either use defensive Perks and cyberware to mitigate that danger or stick to cover.

The most important Attribute for the best Mantis Blades build in Cyberpunk is Reflexes. This Attribute tree contains Perks that enhance Blades as well as mobility, and it’s worth jumping around between both categories to find what works for you. Keep in mind that in Cyberpunk 2.0 and the Phantom Liberty DLC, you can freely respec your Perks but not your Attributes. Be mindful of where you put your points. Reflexes grants +0.5% Crit Chance per Attribute Point, to a max of +10% at Level 20, which is just one more reason to invest heavily in this category. This is the recommended prioritization for Attributes:
- Reflexes
- Body
- Technical Ability
- Intelligence
- Cool
Intelligence and Cool are typically the last concern for this type of build. While stealth is a viable option, it’s not necessary, given how well Mantis Blades do with an aggro playstyle. Similarly, quickhacks can add a potent tactical tool to your arsenal, but they’re far from mandatory. Body, on the other hand, is incredibly helpful. Even at the lowest level, it offers several potent regenerative abilities that make surviving tense conflicts much easier. Technical Ability, likewise, is useful even at low levels. With its combination of mobility Perks and Blades Perks, Reflexes provide a solid foundation for everything else, so feel free to experiment.

The Reflexes Attribute offers the most overall value for the best Mantis Blades build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0, but there’s another Perk tree to consider. The Phantom Liberty DLC adds a new Perk tree: Relic. The unique Perks it offers cover a wide spectrum, and unlike some other great builds, the best Mantis Blades build requires Relic. If you haven’t made the leap to Phantom Liberty, that’s fine. You’ll do just fine using only the Perks that are available in the base game. If you’re using the DLC, however, make sure to grab Jailbreak and Spatial Mapping from the Relic tree as soon as possible. The most important Reflexes Perks to grab are the following:
- Slaughterhouse
- Finisher: Bladerunner
- Lead and Steel
- Bullet Deflect
- Going the Distance
- Flash of Steel
- Flash and Thunderclap
- Bullet Time
- Opportunist
- Seeing Double
All of these Perks directly impact your performance with all Blades, including Mantis Blades. If you want a backup weapon for certain tricky scenarios, a good katana or other blade is therefore a natural choice. From leaping charge attacks to dismemberment and bullet deflection, the Blades Perks found in the Reflexes tree cover all of the essential bases. It’s a good idea to augment these Perks with other easily accessible Reflexes Perks such as Dash and Air Dash. Doing so will make you far more mobile than you otherwise would have been, and anything that gets you and your Mantis Blades closer to enemies is a win.

When it comes to cyberware, the best Mantis Blades build in Cyberpunk 2.0 is in an unusual position. Mantis Blades are cyberware themselves, so there’s no piece more essential to the build. That said, you can install far more cyberware than that, and you’re going to want to. Keep in mind that the 2.0 update completely reworked how cyberware works in the game. V now has a limit on how much cyberware they can install, and increasing that limit requires you to put points into Technical Ability. By the end of the game, most players end up being more metal than flesh anyway, but it’s a good idea to plan your path there.
There are several viable paths you can take when it comes to cyberware. Arguably the best is to go with a Sandevistan and build around it. This unusual piece of tech allows you to slow time at will, allowing you to easily outmaneuver and outfight your enemies. Combined with Mantis Blades, this cyberware turns you into a whirlwind of death capable of chopping enemies up before they can move. The Tier 4 Militech Falcon Sandevistan is a great choice. In addition to slowing time by 70% for those around you, it offers the following benefits:
- +5% Damage
- +5% Crit Chance
- +5% Crit Damage
- +10% extended duration after neutralizing an enemy
- +5% Health after neutralizing an enemy
Slowing time with a Sandevistan is a simple and effective way to increase your DPS with Mantis Blades, not that these potent weapons need the help.
Mantis Blades Build Weapons

The best Mantis Blades build in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 wouldn’t be much without Mantis Blades. There are a few versions to choose from, so if Thermal or Poison Damage is more to your taste, there are options for that. That said, the best version is arguably the simplest. Standard Mantis Blades deal Physical Damage and have a chance to cause Bleeding as well. There are a number of Blades Perks that take advantage of Bleeding, so if you’ve been investing heavily in that Attribute, you already have everything you need to succeed.
Never forget that even a dedicated Mantis Blades build can benefit from having additional weapons. With three other weapon slots to fill, you can cover every range and tailor your build to your specific playstyle. Grab a Sniper or Precision Rifle to add mid to long-range utility to your arsenal. Bring a katana or another weapon that benefits from Blades Perks to double down on close-range lethality. With the release of the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty, there’s never been a better time to try out the best Mantis Blades build in Cyberpunk 2077.