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The Medium contestant in The Finals takes on the support role, keeping their teammates healed or helping them move around. They also have powerful weapons that allow them to hold their own against other contestant types. With several options at their disposal, it can be difficult to figure out which combinations are the most effective. Here are some ideas to help you choose the best Medium build for The Finals and start earning lots of money.
Best Medium FCAR Rifle Build

- Primary Weapon: FCAR Rifle
- Specialization: Healing Beam
- Gadgets: Defibrillator, Gas Mine, Jump Pad
If you want the best Medium build in The Finals for healing, you can’t do much better than this. The FCAR rifle is great for dealing damage and taking out enemies who get close. Medium contestants have more health than Light contestants, allowing you to stay in fights longer. You also want to ensure you can take enemies out to clear a spot for healing. It’s more accurate, with more range and better reload speeds than other guns, allowing you to fight effectively.
Your Specialization should be the Healing Beam, which is great for helping Heavy contestants hold a position. Other Medium or Light contestants also benefit from healing, especially any beginners who rush into a firefight. Healing your team allows them to hold a defense or maintain a push, which can help earn more money while avoiding unnecessary casualties.
Best Light Builds in The FinalsGas Mines are great for deterring players from entering an area, letting you heal others in peace. It’s also excellent for smoking people out of defensive positions in case you think you aren’t alone. The Jump Pad is great for reaching high areas quickly, letting your team escape, or getting to a cashout point. In case someone goes down, the Defibrillator helps bring them back in the fight quickly.
You have offensive and defensive options mixed in, but it helps prevent other players from disrupting you often. The power of the FCAR rifle means you can hold your own in a firefight while patching everyone up like a medic. There are also options in case someone goes down or you need to hold an area.
Best R.357 Magnum Build

- Primary Weapon: R.357 Magnum
- Specialization: Guardian Turret
- Gadgets: Defibrillator, Goo Grenade, Jump Pad
The R.357 Magnum is one of the most powerful weapons available to a Medium contestant. You can one-shot Light contestants if you shoot them in the head or severely wound them. Even Heavy contestants can’t take too many bullets before going down. It serves as an excellent deterrent or a great way to defend a position. You won’t be healing much with this build, but it creates safe spaces for your team.
Using the Guardian Turret may take away a healing option, but it does prevent another Medium contestant from doubling up. Set your Turret around corners or near cashout points to alert your team to intruders or act as a stationary defense. A Guardian Turret can’t take too much damage and might be more fragile than Light contestants. But it can be an effective defender or even a powerful attacker if positioned correctly.
Goo Grenades are perfect for setting up cover or blocking enemies from view. It’s great for hiding Guardian Turrets and surprising enemies when they turn the corner. Jump Pads are great for letting your team get to high areas quickly and ambushing enemies. The Defibrillator remains an effective option in case someone goes down. It’s an emergency healing item but still effective for a final push or defense.