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While Henry might be able to get away from all sorts of trouble just by talking, a few will require a more hands-on approach, or in other words, fighting. To do so, you’ll need a good melee weapon in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and fortunately, Bohemia has a lot of them. However, we’ve made a list of some of the best swords and axes you can get at certain points of the game. You’ll be swapping armaments constantly, so you better know which ones are worth holding on to, at least for a while.
Best Early Game Weapons
During your first hours in KCD 2, you’ll only have access to a few Hunting Swords and maybe some axes and maces that enemies drop. However, there are two weapons we recommend having around, at least during your time in Trosky.

First, we have Brunswick’s Poleaxe. This weapon is unique for those who pre-ordered the game and are following the Lion’s Crest DLC mission. Eventually, you’ll get the schematics to craft Brunswick’s Poleaxe, which packs quite a punch and is a good weapon to have during the early hours. Furthermore, crafting it isn’t expensive. Iron and Frankfurt Steel are easy to get, while Fastening Material is quite cheap.
However, if you didn’t pre-order the game, stick to Knight’s Swords. You can purchase the schematics to craft them, but if you’d rather go the “illegal” way, you can steal a few of these swords from inside Trosky Castle, especially in the barracks.
Best Mid-Game Weapons
Mid-game, at least in my opinion, starts once you arrive at Kuttenberg, which is after the first point of no return. Here, you’ll encounter enemies with better weapons and armor and a lot of blacksmiths with better schematics and materials. Also, there might be some light spoilers below due to a specific weapon, so you’ve been warned.

After spending one game pursuing Radzig’s Sword, Henry will obtain it and can use it all the way up until the game’s final quest. In truth, this sword is the best in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, and it will be hard to find another weapon that surpasses it. However, you’ll part ways with it during the post-game, so we’ll list other options. So, assuming you decide to keep Radzig’s blade, you can even reforge it to increase its damage output. You only need some Toledo Steel, and that’s it.

If you’re going for an Axe build, the Knight’s Axe is an excellent and not-so-expensive option. Its slash and blunt damage is great, and it even sells for a hefty price if you want to trade it once you find a better weapon. You can get the schematic from most blacksmiths in Kuttenberg.
Best Endgame Weapons
Endgame is anything from the second point of no return onwards. However, if you can craft these weapons or encounter them during your travels, you can use them throughout your whole playthrough and call it a day.

I was never too fond of Sabres, but I have to admit that Ataman’s Sabre is an excellent weapon and one of the best in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, especially with some specific perks that cause more bleeding damage. Crafting it isn’t that challenging, with deer skin being the only tricky material to obtain. While it is an excellent blade, it only shines if you have the right perks for it.

The Sword of Sir Valentine is another great shortsword in the game. You can only obtain the schematic for it once you start Sir Valentine’s quest, which you can grab to the north of Kuttenberg at a camp near the road. This one will be a bit tricky to craft, but the stats and damage output are great, and assuming you decide to ignore the NPC’s request, you’ll get an excellent melee weapon for Henry.

My absolute favorite, though, and the one I used to replace Radzig’s Sword, is the Duelling Longsword. Crafting it is no easy feat, and you’ll need some rare materials, with the rarest being the Horned Sword guard. However, this is the second-best melee weapon in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and one you should consider crafting at the highest tier. If you prefer to steal it, the weapon traders near Kuttenberg’s Town Hall usually have a few in their chests.