With the new Blitz skill added with the Class Overhaul Patch 13, Assail has become the meta for Psyker. It’s not surprising since the flying psychic knives can melt various mobs even in Auric Maelstrom missions. The new Talent Tree also can provide you with free Assail ammo as long as Elite enemies keep spawning in the area. Sounds pretty fun, right? Now, let’s take a look at the best Warhammer 40K: Darktide Assail Psyker build that you can get your hands on.
What Talents and Wargear Are the Best for Psyker Assail Build?
Warhammer 40K Darktide Assail Psyker Build Wargear

When setting up for an Assail Psyker Warhammer 40K: Darktide build Wargear, you will want to prioritize defense. Try looking for Block Efficiency for the Perks of the Illisi Force Sword. You will need it as Assail should be able to handle other types of Chaos cultists. Meanwhile, for Blessings, Deflector is one of the best ones you can get. The charged Warp attack can also help with Toughness Regen.
For the Voidstrike Force Staff, pump all damage against Flak or Carapace enemies. Warp Flurry and Warp Nexus are the two Blessings you should get for it. You can also try your hands on the Nomanus Surge Force Staff for another type of Assail Psyker Warhammer 40K: Darktide build.
Illisi Mk V Blaze Force Sword (Transcendant)
Assail Psyker Warhammer 40K: Darktide melee build Perks:
- +5-20% Block Efficiency. This Perk can be stacked instead if needed.
- +10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
- Unstable Power: Up to +14-20% Power, scaling with Peril.
- Deflector: This weapon Blocks both Melee and Ranged attacks. Additionally, Block Cost is reduced by 22.5-30%.
- Slaughterer: +5-8% Power for 4.5s on Kill. Stacks 5 times.
Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff (Transcendant)
- +10-25% Damage (Carapace Armoured Enemies). This Perk can be stacked instead if needed.
- +10-25% Damage (Maniacs)
- +10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
- Warp Flurry: -8.5–5.5% Charge Time on Chained Secondary Attack. Stacks 3 times.
- Warp Nexus: Gain between 3.5-5% and 14-20% Critical Chance based on current level of peril.
Nomanus Mk VI Surge Force Staff (Transcendant)
Assail Psyker Warhammer 40K: Darktide build Staff Perks:
- +10-25% Damage (Flak Armoured Enemies)
- +10-25% Damage (Carapace Armoured Enemies)
- Warp Nexus: Gain between 3.5-5% and 14-20% Critical Chance based on current level of peril.
- Terrifying Barrage: Suppress Enemies within 5-8 Radius on Close Range Kill.
For Curios, pick one from below and then fill up all the slots with the same one. This is done to maximize your Warhammer 40K Darktide Psyker build’s defenses.
Blessed Bullet (Transcendant):
- +10-25% Max Health
- +10-25% Max Health
- +2-5% Health
- +3-4% Combat Ability Regeneration
- +7.5-30% Toughness Regeneration Speed
Blessed Bullet (Transcendant):
- +10-20% Toughness
- +10-20% Toughness
- +2-5% Health
- +6-12% Block Efficiency
- +5-20% Damage Resistance (enemy type)
Gilded Inquisitorial Rosette (Transcendant):
- +10-20% Toughness
- +10-20% Toughness
- +2-5% Toughness
- +6-12% Block Efficiency
Warhammer 40K Darktide Assail Psyker Build Talent Tree

- Aura: Kinetic Presence
- Ability: Venting Shriek | Modifier: Becalming Eruption + Creeping Flames
- Keystone: Empowered Psionic | Modifier: Psychic Leeching + Overpowering Souls + Charged Up
With the Psyker Warhammer 40K: Darktide build from CGEE, you’ll want to use Assail on almost any enemy type you face. Since basically, you get free Assail regen with this setup. In a crowd of mobs, always focus on taking down any Gunners and Ragers you see. That way you’re clearing out any priority targets while gaining more Empowered Psionics thanks to the Overpowering Souls modifier. Free Empowered Psionics means free Assail throws!
But remember that you can only hold three stacks of Empowered Psionics. Use it often to kill a horde or throw some at a Zealot. On higher difficulty, the Assail Psyker Warhammer 40K: Darktide build can exploit friendly fire to help a Zealot build some Fury. However, always keep your ears ready for a Daemonhost. If you hear one nearby, stop throwing Assail as it can bounce haphazardly and hit the sleeping menace. When dealing with Carapace enemies like Crushers, Bulwarks, and Maulers, use Voidstrike.

- Aura: Seer’s Presence
- Ability: Telekine Shield
- Keystone: Warp Siphon | Modifier: Inner Tranquility + Empyrean Empowerment + Psychic Vampire + Warp Battery
Now, if you prefer using the Nomanus Mk VI, you need a different approach to the Assail Psyker Warhammer 40K: Darktide build. Using NojJP’s all-rounder build, you should be able to tackle Auric Missions on Damnation.
Seer’s Presence and Warp Siphon, along with the passives, help your Toughness Regen and manage the Peril Meter. Use the Telekine Shield and defend yourself with Illisi Mk V when you’re starting to get overwhelmed by the horde. Especially since the Shield could completely stop Elite enemies in their tracks. There’s no Empowered Psionic though so you have to manage resources more carefully with this Assail Psyker Warhammer 40K: Darktide build.
Warhammer 40K Darktide: Death Korps of Krieg Build Guide
Warhammer 40K: Darktide is now available for