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Running your own business in real life is stressful, but tycoon games on Roblox have an addictive quality to them, and the best ones will have you sinking an embarrassing amount of hours into them. It helps that they aren’t actual stores and resorts you’re running, so you’re left to engage with the same kind of micromanaging you see in games like Cities: Skylines 2. However, with this being Roblox, each of these tycoon games offer a unique experience, like blending genres.
10. Restaurant Tycoon 2

Most Roblox tycoon games revolve around making numbers go up, but faster. It’s uninteresting, unoriginal, and incredibly boring. That’s not the case with Restaurant Tycoon 2, which is obsessed with getting you to actually, you know, play the game. And it does so with really fun and interacting systems.
Instead, you are actually in charge of building your restaurant, right down to the furniture (even your own house, like Bloxburg). When you aren’t adjusting every chair and table, you’ll be waiting on customers, making food, and eventually hiring cooks and waiters to automate some of the process.
9. War Age Tycoon

Many army-flavored tycoon games put the focus on earning money to buy weapons for attacking other players—an FPS, in other words, and that’s entirely valid. War Tycoon is like that and it’s a ton of fun, but War Age Tycoon is a little goofy. You can buy guns for yourself, but most of your money is going towards clones of yourself. Weird, right? But it works!
You see, these clones can create over and over, then sent out into the wild to fight other players and their clones. The funny part is watching your clones start out as club-wielding cavemen, only to evolve into soldiers with just the right funding!
8. War Tycoon

Another army tycoon? Yes! Only War Tycoon is a fundamentally different experience than War Age Tycoon. Where the latter is more concerned with spawning genetically identical goons to club and maim other NPCs (and players), War Tycoon wants you in the trenches with everyone else. You can’t fall back on an army because you are the army, but you aren’t without options.
Right in the ground is oil for you to drill for and generate cash, which you can then spend on improving your base, weapons, and most importantly, vehicles. This is where I have the most fun because it essentially turns War Tycoon into a Battlefield clone. Getting around the map is essential for completing objectives like securing oil barrels and airdrops, and you can do that by air, ground, and water.
7. My Zoo Tycoon

I really enjoy Roblox tycoon games that have a lot of interactivity, and not just boiling gameplay down to stepping on buttons all day. My Zoo Tycoon, for example, takes aspects of Restaurant Tycoon 2 and mixes it with Adopt Me into this cutesy zoo simulator.
My Zoo Tycoon doesn’t choose the animals for you—it’s up to you to decide what you can afford to house. And when you bring in a new animal, you have to care for it and make sure they’re happy, like playing and cleaning up after them. After a while, your zoo may get so big you need to invest in a jeep to get around and hire staff to handle the grunt work!
6. Airport Tycoon

If you ever wondered what it was like running an airport, I suggest trying Airport Tycoon for the kicks. Now, it does have some of the same trappings as generic tycoon games, mainly the unfun loop of stepping on buttons, but bare with it. Once you have enough money for your first plane, that’s where the real fun begins.
What Airport Tycoon nails is how it handles flying. You have to worry about altitude, speed, thrust, and where you’re pointing the nose of the plane. You’ll probably nosedive into the water a couple times (like I did), but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be a regular ace. It’s one part tycoon and two parts flying simulator!
5. Resort Tycoon 2

It’s not every day you become the owner of a tropical resort, which sounds great until you realize the costs. You can’t pay the bills with coconuts… or can you? Resort Tycoon 2 puts you in that mindset of managing your very own resort, and it does a darn good job of it, too.
What Resort Tycoon 2 masters is its progression, which hinges entirely on how well you can manage your income and expand. Do you spend money on that coconut milk factory or spend thousands of dollars for a new convertible? Sure, the car sounds fun, but then you’d be broke. Priorities, priorities, priorities.
4. Death Star Tycoon

I’m surprised Death Star Tycoon hasn’t been slammed by copyright infringement, but in the meantime, I’m happy building my own death star. Alderaan won’t be, but how are they going to stop me? Despite the morbid, genocidal implications of building such a machine in Death Star Tycoon, it’s actually a very laidback game.
It isn’t surprising at all just the number of platforms and rooms there are that it’ll be a while before your death star is fully functional, but that’s okay. You can build some of the more fun rooms ahead of time, like a TIE fighter hangar or unlock blasters, lightsabers, even costumes. There’s also nothing stopping you from visiting other player’s death stars.
3. Miner’s Haven

If you love the freedom to build as you see fit, like massive forts and grand bases, Miner’s Haven will be like a dream come true. It’s also one of those rare tycoon games that doesn’t have you hopping on buttons to automatically build walls and whatnot. Almost all of the work falls on you, which may sound daunting, but it’s anything but.
You earn money from extracting and refining ore, so at a minimum you need an extractor, a conveyor belt, and a furnace. However, the space you work with is limited (and relatively generous). Part of the fun is making as much money as you can with as little equipment as possible so you end up with the most amount of space to build your dream base.
2. Theme Park Tycoon 2

It’s been a while since we’ve had a good RollerCoaster Tycoon, but with Theme Park Tycoon 2 being free, we can afford to wait a while longer. TPT2 is packed with options and features, it’s actually quite impressive how many layers there are to the game, and it admittedly gets overwhelming. I guess when you think about it, building an amusement park must feel the same way.
You need money though, and a lot of it. Theme Park Tycoon 2 sets you up for success as long as you play your cards right. There are stalls to help you earn money, which you can funnel into scenery and, most importantly, rides of every kind. And if you want to get really creative, try using the terrain tools to build vertically or the cuboids to build intricate designs. While you’re at it, invite your friends to be builders, too!
1. Elemental Powers Tycoon

I’ve offered plenty of Roblox tycoon games that need varying levels of thought, but what if you just want to goof around with your buddies? I can’t think of a better example than Elemental Powers Tycoon. Fighting other players takes center stage, whereas the typical tycoon mechanics are merely a means to an end.
You start off by choosing an element and from there, you start building your business to unlock more abilities. You’ll unlock upgrades relatively quickly and Elemental Powers Tycoon doesn’t bog you down with dozens of buttons. This is because the real gameplay is fighting other players around you in a game of king of the hill.
It’s goofy, over-the-top, and simply dumb fun. However, griefing can and does happen, which is why I suggest you bring friends. There’s even an in-game monetary reward for inviting friends to Elemental Powers Tycoon.