Bethesda Softworks has removed access to most of their games through Nvidia GeForce NOW. The streaming service will not include games from notable franchises, including Fallout and The Elder Scrolls.

Nvidia today put out a statement that most of Bethesda Softworks titles will be no longer be on the service for the time being. The only game that will stay on the service is Wolfenstein Youngblood.
Bethesda Softworks Removes Access to Titles on Streaming Service
While other streaming services like Google Stadia have you buy the games through their service to play, GeForce NOW allows you to stream games from Steam, Uplay or the Epic Games Store.
Currently, Nvidia offers a 90-day free trial for its Founders membership. While Nvidia hopes that this trial period lets more players experience streaming games without a major commitment, game publishers still have the right to remove their games before the trial ends.
This seems to be the issue at hand, with game publishers feeling like they are missing out on new sales if players can stream the games they already own. GeForce NOW has also lost access to stream Activision Blizzard games as well, but these games could return after the trial period is over.
A Worried Future For Streaming Games
A major push in the games industry has been towards the rush of streaming games, this is an example of what could go wrong given ownership of games. Even if you own the games, publishers could decide to turn off access to titles whenever they would like to.
There is a free version of GeForce NOW, but you are restricted to one hour sessions at a time. After the trial period is up, Nvidia has a limited time offer for $4.99 a month for 12 months.
In addition to the Founders version coming with extended session lengths, those that upgrade to the premium service can access RTX.