There’s blood in the water, and the sharks are swarming. No, it’s not Jaws. It’s law school. Few areas of academia are quite as cutthroat. Grind away at your torts and criminal justice classes long enough, however, and you can get a top-paying gig that will set you up for life. BitLife loves throwing realistic (and painful) challenges at players, and law school is no exception. From making friends to losing loved ones, a lot can happen along the way. Make it through, and your character has a fruitful career ahead. Here’s how to get accepted into law school in BitLife.
How to Get Accepted Into Law School in BitLife

Getting accepted into law school is an essential part of becoming president in BitLife, but even if you don’t have your eyes on the Oval Office, it’s a worthy goal. You’ll need a solid academic record if you see law school in your future, so prepare by graduating college and getting ready for university. Here are the steps you need to take first:
- Go to college
- Pick a related major such as Political Science, Criminal Justice, or Pre-Law
- Visit the library and read to get your Smarts stat as high as possible
- Participate in extracurriculars
- Network with your peers
- Pass the LSAT
When you finish your degree, you’ll be given the choice of looking for a job or seeking higher education. If you want to get accepted into law school in BitLife, choose “Higher Education,” then “Law School.” If you chose an unrelated major in college, however, law school will reject your application. You’ll also be rejected if your Smarts stat is too low. If you picked a related degree and have a high enough Smarts, however, you should get accepted. That’s a key part of completing the Legally Blonde challenge, which is just one more reason to get it done, even if you don’t like the blonde locks and Chihuahua.
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