During a panel at PAX East Gearbox Software, CEO, Randy Pitchford dropped some tantalizing crumbs of news about Borderlands 3, namely that it is coming. During the panel, Mr. Pitchford teased the audience with the following: “Obviously, there is going to be another Borderlands.” He continued by noting that the name was likely only provisional, “We don’t even know if we’re going to call it that,” he said.
When asked about the story of Borderlands 3 Gearbox’s Chief Creative Champion (that is his official position within the company) Mikey Neumann joked, “Everyone dies horribly.” Neumann, who was the chief writer for the original Borderlands game in addition to being the head writer for the mainline Brothers in Arms games, was announced to be the lead writer for Borderlands 3 as well.
We also received some details about a potential character in the game. According to Neumann, the son of the character, Scooter, from Tales from the Borderlands, Scooper, might appear in Borderlands 3 although as of now this is not a certainty. This potential character was created in an effort to attempt to dampen the emotional trauma that was caused to Pitchford’s wife by Scooters fate in Tales from the Borderlands.

One last teensy bit of information was given, and that was that players of Battleborn should look very carefully at the game’s upcoming DLC for potential hints and Easter eggs related to Borderlands 3.
Do you think that Borderlands 3 will just be, meh? Have you never heard the term “borderlands” before and so find yourself questioning the newsworthiness of this article? After being burned by your last AAA game purchase are you determined to wait until the release of the next game to put money down, instead of relying on the news and getting caught up in the hype like you usually do? If you are interested in chatting us up and would like to know something more about this particular article why not try leaving us a message in the comments section?