I firmly believe that you genuinely need to do whatever you need to survive. It’s a tough world out there, and things only look to get tougher. However, I never once thought that things were so bad that people would be driven to eat dead rats to stay away from starvation. One woman managed to record a homeless man in The Bronx, New York, literally munching on a rat as passersby casually walked by. Regardless of who this person is, this isn’t a reality I would ever envision for anyone.
The above video was recorded in the Bronx and showcases one of the harsher realities of living on the street. The woman continues to record the man through the entire process of preparing the rat to eat, from gutting to deboning. There’s even a point where he separates the different parts of the animal and licks his fingers clean of the blood and guts.
“A sad sad culture and situation. The USA certainly isnt what we describe it as. Pain in my mind.”
What’s interesting is how precise the man appears to be about separating the different parts of the dead rodent. He’s likely had to do this before, especially since he has no issue doing it in the open.
Rats are known to carry various diseases and tend to also carry along the different poisons they come across as a result of scurrying around the streets of the city. Combining those two things could only be a recipe for disaster if you try to ingest it. Considering that, as I said above, he’s likely done this before, he may know how to cook the animal to avoid contracting any illnesses. However, this shows how difficult it is to live in the United States, and I can only imagine that we will see more cases like this in the coming months.