With the rise of social media came a brand new form of “entertainment”: Youtube pranksters. These bottom-of-the-barrel-scraping “content creators” simply aim to harass members of the public to create low quality entertainment to help net themselves views. While some are harmless, plenty get out of hand and become quite violent. To illustrate my point, a social media prankster who chose to provoke and harass the wrong guy became aggressive when his victim was, well… provoked. As a result, the content creator ended up assaulting him.
The 29-second clip begins in an Auto Care retail store aisle, and things kick off almost instantly. The prankster on the right is dressed in black, while the couple on the left are donned in blue and yellow. It appears like the YouTuber is trying to show the couple a tub of peanuts in his hand, though it’s hard to discern what is being said.
Suddenly, though, the man in blue knocks the tub out from the content creator’s hand, and the peanuts go flying into the air. Clearly, what the YouTuber said must’ve struck a nerve. All of a sudden, the prankster lashes out and assaults the victim of the “prank” by lunging forward and punching him in the face.
The man in blue is knocked to the floor, and the woman in yellow standing with him then gets between the two men and attempts to break up the physical altercation. “Stop! Leave my man alone!” the woman shouts at the aggressive YouTuber. There’s a standoff between the couple and the prankster exclaims, “No need to disrespect me, man!“
Adding much needed context to the entire video is some accompanying detail over on Reddit from the OP, which explains why the victim of the prank may’ve got so agitated: “Context: The “prankster” (big dude) walked up to the couple and asked his girl if she wanted to see his “nuts”. He asked her a couple of times and then pulled out the cup of peanuts. Smaller guy smacked the cup of peanuts out of his hand and he got mad.”
As you can see, the prankster was being incredibly rude to the couple, and repeatedly asked the man’s girlfriend if she wanted to see his “nuts,” which is obviously a euphemism that is both triggering and totally inappropriate in a public setting. With the clip circulating across social media platforms like Reddit, the internet was quick to slam the prankster as netizens began flooding the comments section with their thoughts. One Redditor wrote:
Imagine trying to provoke a dude and then getting mad that he got provoked.
A second comment came in from the OP emphasised how unfunny the so-called “prank” was, writing:
Man we need to stop calling them pranksters. They’re not funny at all.
Another commenter criticised the so-called prankster, penning:
“How dare you get provoked from my provocations”
Elsewhere, a fourth user added: “This isn’t a prankster this is just a bully.”
Finally, another netizen chimed in with: “Assault and caught on camera. Case closed“.
While the prankster trend is still proving popular amongst some viewers, it’s fair to say that the law is beginning to catch up with these sorts of content creators. For instance, prankster Johnny Somali who was caught provoking citizens within South Korea faces almost a decade in prison for numerous charges. Meanwhile, another popular social media prankster called Jack Doherty is facing legal woes for crashing a McLaren live on stream. Hopefully, there’s an end in sight for this brand of “entertainment.” Here’s hoping, anyway.