I’ve never understood people who think it’s okay to be racist or phobic of someone just because of where they are from. Personally, America is a smorgasbord of cultures and languages that have all melded together to form a single, unified place. However, there are always those who think those outside America or speak a different language are beneath them. One mother recorded the aftermath of a racist encounter against her and her children while in a Disneyland bathroom.
In the above video, a large woman is being filmed after having allegedly made a racist comment towards the camerawoman. The camerawoman, who I will just call ‘the mother’, was speaking Spanish to her children when the other woman decided to chime in about how she should speak English instead. Of course, being a parent, the mother whipped out her camera and began filming the other woman, who was waiting outside a bathroom stall for someone else.
The mother was blasting the woman, asking her to repeat her comment against Mexicans, to which the latter finally did. In a Disneyland bathroom, the large woman stood her ground and admitted that she believes the only language that should be spoken in America is English. Unfortunately, no one else in the bathroom stood up for the mother though, alternatively, no one stood up for the racist woman either. The comments section of the video is filled with people condemning the racist woman’s actions; even explaining what they would have done instead,
“Honestly you are so polite. My reaction as someone from Northern Ireland who speaks Spanish all the time with his boyfriend would have just been ‘How about you fuck off you whale’
Mean? Yes. Matching the energy? Also yes.”
While I think that response would have garnered a more aggressive reaction from the more prominent woman, I also feel it is the most appropriate. It doesn’t matter where in the world you live; you should be able to speak your preferred language freely without having a random woman telling you not to.