Many of us look forward to the fairs to enjoy the festive atmosphere, games, and junk food. Of course, various shows and events attract the public’s attention at many of these fairs. Although some of these activities are risky and require protection and a lot of planning in advance, any miscalculation can be fatal. As what happened in this Reddit video from a county fair in California, a human cannonball launched himself, but its trajectory does not follow the direction it should, and he falls to the ground.
Redditor tragiccosmicaccident shared on r/TikTokCringe a video originally from carlos.lopez.23’s TikTok. Here, Carlos shared his visit to the Riverside County Fair in California and recorded a human cannonball show. However, the show did not go as expected. In the beginning, you can see the strong shot of the cannon and how the ejected person flies over the spectators. But as the man approaches the landing net, he lands on the edge of the net, and because of the speed, he spins outward and falls a couple of meters to the ground. The most disturbing thing is that after falling, the human cannonball stayed on the ground without moving. In the original TikTok carlos.lopez.23 said he hoped the man was okay, but that was the end of the story.
At the very least, he is lucky the net took the brunt of it and he wasn’t just a little more to the right.
Many users believed that the human cannonball replayed all his choices in that very moment, much like his life flashing before his eyes. Others who used to do this show said they stopped doing it precisely because of that risk. Some others thought that risking one’s life this way was not worth it, and even less for a couple of people, but TikTok Op said there were many more spectators than it seemed. Still, let’s hope that the man was okay after the fall because there are cases where people die tragically or end up injured irreparably.