[Updated on August 23, 2024, to revise outdated formatting and improve readability.]
One Piece Odyssey is a turned-based role-playing game in which you will fight various enemies and meet tons of amazing characters from the One Piece universe. Since this is a Japanese game based on a Japanese anime, the voice tracks are all Japanese as well. If you want to know if you can change voice tracks between English and Japanese in One Piece Odyssey, then you’ve come to the right place.
So if you want to play One Piece Odyssey with English voice tracks, you would be disappointed since there aren’t any available. So if you want to experience the story to the fullest, you have to use the subtitles.
If you have already played One Piece Odyssey, then you have noticed that all characters are speaking Japanese. This isn’t a surprise since the game is based on a Japanese anime. Also, many anime fans in the west prefer to watch them with Japanese voice tracks rather than dubbed versions.
Nevertheless, isn’t the first time a One Piece game has been released without any English voice-over available. This was also the case for One Piece World Seeker and One Piece Pirate Warriors 4.
If you want to wait for the studio to add the English voice tracks later, then you shouldn’t be so hopeful either. Neither the studio behind the game nor Bandai Namco has said anything about the English dub. But even if that would happen, it would take months to record and put the voiceover in the game. So if you want to play and enjoy the story of the game, your best option is English subtitles.