Mortal Kombat 1 is here, and with this game comes its iconic fatalities filled with as much violence as flashy moves. These two features have always been a mark of every game in the popular franchise, the unique way each character takes down their enemies that many fans love. But some players don’t love these features, and some even wonder if there is a way to turn off blood and gore in MK1. Don’t fret because here we’ll tell you if you can remove gore from Mortal Kombat 1.
Can You Turn Off Blood & Gore in Mortal Kombat 1?

The short answer is no; MK1 doesn’t have an option to turn blood and gore off. Mortal Kombat has allowed some censorship of fatalities in several of its previous games, except for titles like MKX or MK11. This is for those players who are uncomfortable seeing so many broken bones on screen. Or for those content creators who have asked for a streamer-safe mode as they worry about violating some platform policies. Others are also worried about being unable to monetize their stream sessions.
But, in an interview with Ed Boon, the creative director of NetherRealm Studios, he expressed concern about turning off blood in MK1. Boon also thinks censoring gore in Mortal Kombat 1 could take away a very important part of the game. The creative director said that in MK, the gore is such an essential part that he worries that by removing it, the game will change radically. That is to say, Mortal Kombat will no longer be Mortal Kombat. Ed Boon also mentioned that he is looking for a way to solve this problem. This is to allow streamers to continue creating MK1 content without compromising the integrity of the game.
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The gore, blood, and the possibility of turning it off in MK1 have generated division in the community. Some question whether it is really necessary to be so explicit and violent. On the other hand, NetherRealm Studios appeals to the fact that its player base belongs to a mature audience that can understand and discern the reason for the violence in their titles. Even in some forums, the debate has been going on among players, where those who ask for a safe mode are somewhat criticized. Also, there have even been comments from other fans responding that MK 1 is not their type of game and that perhaps they would be better off switching to a game with less violent content.
Mortal Kombat 1 is available now on PlayStation,