Title: Hitman GO: Definitive Edition Version Tested: PC Available On: PC, PS4, PS Vita Developer: Square…
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Title: Nuclear Throne Tested On: PlayStation 4 Available On: PC, PS4, Xbox One Developer: Vlambeer Publisher: Vlambeer…
Title: Leap of Fate Version Tested: PC Available On: PC Developer: Clever-Plays Publisher: Clever-Plays Genre:…
Title: SUPERHOT Version Tested: PC Available On: PC, Linux, Mac OS, XBox One Developer: SUPERHOT Team…
Title: The Mean Greens – Plastic Warfare Version Tested: PC Available On: PC Developer: Virtual…
Title: Cobalt Available On: Xbox One, Xbox 360, Steam Platform Tested On: Xbox One Developer: Oxeye…
Title: Fortified Version Tested: Xbox One Available On: Xbox One, PC Developer: Clapfoot Publisher: Clapfoot Genre:…
Title: Runbow Version Tested: Wii U Available On: Wii U Developer: 13AM Games Publisher: 13AM Games Genre: Platform,…
Title: Dinocide Version Tested: PC (Steam) Available On: Windows, Mac, Linux Developer: AtomicTorch Studio Publishers: AtomicTorch…
Title: XCOM 2 Version Tested: PC Available On: PC Developer: Firaxis Games Publisher: 2K Genre: Action/Strategy…
Title: Unravel Tested On: PlayStation 4 Available On: PC, PS4, Xbox One Developer: ColdWood Interactive Publisher: Electronic Arts…
Title: Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Version Tested: PC Available On: PC Developer: Blackbird Interactive Publisher: Gearbox…
Title: Oxenfree Available On: Xbox One, PC Developer: Night School Studio Publisher: Night School Studio…
Title: Sparkle 2 Version Tested: Xbox One Available On: Xbox One, PS4, PS3, PS Vita,…
Title: Deadpool Version Tested: Xbox One Available On: Xbox One, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Windows…
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