What’s cooler than a flaming boomerang?
Breaking News and Rumors from all your favorite and upcoming Mobile Games!
A little help goes a long way
Who wouldn’t want to see their creations on the runway?
That is no Rubix cube
Decisions, decisions
I little rain never hurt anyone
Mind the pigs, they like to organize revolts
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a… whale?
Becoming a professional athlete in any sport takes time and dedication. It’s a good thing…
Dance all day and night!
Find out if the servers are swallowed into the realms of darkness or not
Move at the speed of light
A fruit user’s best friend
Latest stories
More +Are you ready to snap your bones?
Now it’s our turn
No matter how hard you try, you simply can’t get rid of him
It’s why we are back
Push back the undead horde with this redemption code
Looks like this bird is about to crash and burn