We are in awe, yet saddened that this may never get made.
Movie News
Up to date movie news from big blockbusters, anticipated releases, and your favorite classics!
Video game adaptations are in style more than ever. The live-action Borderlands film has given…
This group of Spider-Women could not weave a strong enough web to catch audiences.
Players is out, Einstein is in.
The director will continue his streak of abstract films.
A Christopher Nolan horror movie would shake things up.
Sebastian Stan goes into detail about why the film is important.
Spider spin-offs has to stop.
Barry Keoghan gets back to using his American accent for this military-based film.
A good rom-com just hits differently.
Could Patch be the Harry Potter star?
Like any Marvel casting, it must be leaked or we wait until the movie is out.
The horror author is making his directorial debut.
Marvel has confirmed a cast that we all knew were coming.
People love Deadpool and Wolverine.
Latest stories
More +Kimmel’s low blows didn’t impress the audience or Downey.
Cameron Diaz is making her return to the big screen alongside Keanu Reeves!
I’m getting a stomachache.
Deadpool will have his hands full for this one.
The film that was dropped gets picked back up and ready for its revamped marketing campaign.
Hopefully more sewer pizza will be available for the turtles.
A24 may never stop making the most original horror movies.
If you like goths, this is for you.
Josh Brolin said what most people who Jonah Hex are thinking.
More drama piles on for the upcoming film.