One Virginia family learned to pay closer attention while picking up their canine companions at daycare. Thankfully, the couple’s cats rescued the family from their doggy mix-up and were the driving force behind the brood getting everything straightened out. It seems that all golden retrievers look so similar that sometimes, even their owners can’t tell them apart. That’s exactly what happened to one couple when they had a case of mistaken pup identity.
The Virginia family dropped their dog, Emmy, off at the day care for some grooming services. They later asked their son to pick up the golden retriever. However, once the pup was back home, they noticed that something just wasn’t right. While the dog’s human parents might have been fooled at first, the family’s cats were there to rescue the situation and expose the doggy mix up.
Once the dog was brought back to their home, the Kelley family noticed that their cats began to act very strange toward the dog they believed to be Emmy. When the dog began giving kisses and showed no interest in interacting with her favorite neighbor, the couple suspected that something had to be done. The Kelleys then headed to the vet to scan Emmy’s microchip, where they found out that the canine in their custody wasn’t their beloved Emmy (via Upworthy). They knew that there must have been a mistake at the groomer.
Cats Rescue Family’s Doggy Mix Up in Virginia
“We just never even thought that that would happen, and of course we thought we would know right? Like we’re her parents, we would know something was wrong, we would know right off the bat that it wasn’t Emmy,” Kebby Kelley revealed of the surprising, yet comical dog switcharoo.
Despite the confusing mix up, both dogs were returned to their owners and had a bit of an adventure.
“Both pups were probably thrilled for the new adventures,” one person commented on the situation via Reddit.
“They just have so much love in their hearts they’ll show affection to anyone,” said another.
“Golden retrievers are the epitome of living in the moment,” one dog owner chimed in.
“Every day is the best day of a golden retriever’s life,” a fourth comment read.
“But the cats always know,” declared another.
Thankfully, Emmy the adorable golden retriever got home safely and has the cats to thank for the rescue for her family’s doggy mix up. Next time, that Virginia couple will likely pay more attention when picking up their pup.