When Rep. Al Green (D, Texas) disturbed Donald Trump‘s speech to Congress last night, House Speaker Mike Johnson instructed the House Sergeant of Arms to remove him. Green’s was the only substantive disruption. Rather than rise and disrupt the speech one by one, thus grinding the event to a halt, most Democrats committed to quiet symbolism or nothing at all. Some held signs reading “Save Medicaid,” “That’s a Lie!”, and “False.” Others wore pink in solidarity with the girls, women, and others negatively targeted by the Trump administration’s discriminatory policies. None matched Green’s activism. Why?
Why Rep. Green’s Colleagues Don’t Defy Trump
Not long ago, Rep. Green called on Congress to impeach Trump yet again, this time for his support of the Palestinian genocide in Gaza. The Representative’s sentiments haven’t changed, but neither has the immobility of congressional Democrats. The Democratic party is liberal, not leftist. It has always favored legislation and reform over activism and revolution. Its language of so-called resistance lapses into silence when bolder deeds are called for. Rep. Green’s colleagues may understand the threat Trump poses, but they’re unwilling to do anything about it that might put themselves at risk.
While Trump supporters denounced Rep. Green, others applauded his protest. A TikTok by @theageaustralia drew out both sides. As one commenter said, “👏👏👏👏 bravo for Mr Green. They need to throw trump and his whole administration out!! FTD [sic].” The quiet complicity of the Democrats didn’t go unnoticed in the comment section either. As another commenter put it,
The Democrats needs that John Cena heel turn. They’ve been nice for too long and it’s gotten Trump back in the White House [sic]
Saying Democrats have “been nice” unfortunately ignores the fact that Democrats have long catered to the same corporate interests as Republicans. If they’ve been nice (in the sense of avoiding direct action and substantive resistance tactics), it’s because they’re being nice to themselves as well. Rep. Al Green may be alone in putting his body on the line to denounce Trump in the chambers of Congress, but meaningful resistance remains possible elsewhere. It simply won’t be the Democratic Party that delivers change.