The energetic channels opened to prosperity and success through the current planetary movements and yesterday’s chart, The Wheel of Fortune. Of course, the stars never give something sunny just because every lesson costs, and for this Tarot draw, you must pay using the characteristics of the Knight of Pentacles to your favor. So, for those who struggle a lot with patience and discipline, this day will be an excellent challenge for those specific people.
As mentioned, the Knight of Pentacles, as an earth sign Tarot card, speaks of things taking a slower and safer pace. Therefore, the most important thing is to take it easy, so everything around you will probably test your patience to the maximum today. But just as you will be tested, this same Minor Arcanum boosts your intelligence and helps you analyze situations from a more practical and realistic perspective. If you avoid rushing the pace, today will be an ideal day to expand your territory in work and economic matters; that is, negotiations will take a more positive turn. You will come out triumphant and may even improve your financial situation. This is as long as you do not confuse being constant and responsible with being stubborn and possessive.
Also, earth element cards speak of slow movements, so you must be cautious about procrastinating or being too passive. When an Arcane related to gold appears on days like today, these are also excellent dates to improve aspects such as discipline. Today is a great day to start a new habit, such as exercising or eating better. Also, today will be great to try something new that may help you escape a constant routine. Even doing something unexpected could be a great way to keep boredom away.
However, if you have been feeling confused amidst so many new celestial events in the last few days, you should also take the opportunity to get your feet on the ground. So many recent changes can have you with ideas spinning tirelessly in your head, and precisely in previous days, the cards also asked you to clear your mind. Giving yourself that time to get away from confusion is precisely an act of self-love, something that we should also practice now that Venus is with Aries. Being such an active and passionate sign as Aries. This planetary duo also asks us to be more proactive with ourselves, although we can also practice that same energy with those around us.