In a world where Marvel series were once shown on Netflix, the series Daredevil took a step into the action. That was until the antagonist of having rights for the Marvel series came to Netflix. Slowly Netflix began cutting Marvel series off the list of shows. Fans across the world have had a sad transition period in which the shows fades into nothing. That was until the original deal in which Netflix made for Daredevil expired. Now Daredevil is an open market for Disney to produce. Now the question is, will they continue the series?
As for Daredevil….the World Will Know the Truth
Disney now has the means to produce more Marvel series that were once on Netflix. This means that there will still be a chance to save a once lost series. Daredevil fans take this optimistic approach declaring that Disney now has the option to bring back the show. Fans wanting their voice heard began a #SaveDaredevil petition. They will petition for a fourth season on Disney Plus with the same cast and storylines. With over 401,000 signatures, Daredevil fans are fighting for a revival.
Will It Be Possible?
Nothing will stop fans from their fight to bring back the show. The sad question is, will it be possible? Disney already has a plan to add movies, series, and spinoffs in the Marvel universe. This future will make it difficult for them to add a preexisting Netflix show. That does not mean it is impossible but it will be difficult. The difficulties arise from acquiring the cast, costume, and set for the series. Multiple actors that live inside the series have already taken more dominant roles in other series and movies. Not only that, but costume pieces are now being auctioned off.
Don’t let this downfall be the end of the series. The world is still existing, and Daredevil will not give up. As Matt Murdock yells in the previous finale, “You don’t get to destroy who I am”. Disney can still produce another series in the years ahead. They will need to work hard on acquiring the cast when they are available, creating new costumes accurate to the original, and bringing back the iconic set. Do you think the series will arrive on Disney Plus? Do you think the series is lost? Comment your opinion on this #SaveDaredevil petition below.