With the next generation of gaming quickly approaching, there’s never been a better time to fill out your to-play list. With gaming subscriptions becoming more widely accepted and accessible, Google is still trying to remain on top of the market. Despite Amazon’s new service, Luna, game streaming has become more mainstream and lucrative to differing types of gamers. One of the early adopters to streaming high-quality video game feeds was Google Stadia that has tried its hardest to bring console experiences to anything that runs Chrome. Adding games per month like other game streaming services, Google is filling the month of October with amazing titles, new and old, coming to their service this fall.
What games are new?
The spooky tenth month of the year brings some exciting choices for Stadia, with multiple games dating as far back as 2015. Some of these games include the Diablo-like dungeon crawler title, Lara Croft: Temple of Osiris, and the hand-drawn Viking tale, Jotun. As for more recent releases, the October selected titles also include the platformer, Celeste, and the third game in the Superhot franchise, SUPERHOT MIND CONTROL DELETE. Also, they’ve added Human Fall Flat and Risk of Rain 2, both of which have been receiving tremendous updates and improvements since their respective launches. Each title adds so much more value to Stadia’s list of 29 titles for pro subscribers.

Perhaps the most significant addition to Stadia is, however, Dead By Daylight, which also comes with new tools for streamers. This feature will be exclusive to YouTube and will let audiences pick whether the streamer will be a hunter or hunted and which specific character the streamer must play as. Much like the twitch integration, many other titles support, Google is flexing their control of Alphabet to create a gaming experience on all google supported devices. While the performance might differ depending on how you play, Stadia’s newest titles are great inclusions to their brand and service of monthly rotating titles. The service is available to start at $9.99 a month in all Google capable devices.