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The Dragon’s Breath Exotic Rocket Launcher is a key weapon in Destiny 2‘s Season of the Wish. Not only is it making a huge comeback from its low position on the Destiny pedestal, but it’s also the seasonal Exotic. Though, I’m sure you’re wondering how on Earth you’re supposed to get it. It’s pretty simple, so don’t stress too much over it. For the most part, you’ll just need to participate in the seasonal activities like you normally would. You’ll get the Dragon’s Breath Exotic in time, and it’ll be well worth the wait.
How To Get Dragon’s Breath in Destiny 2

Like all of the other Seasonal Exotic weapons in Destiny 2, you can obtain the Dragon’s Breath Exotic Rocket Launcher by working your way through the Season of the Wish Season Pass. Though, even if you tend to stick to the free-to-play portions of the game, you still have a great chance at getting Dragon’s Breath.
Through the Paid Season Pass, you can receive Dragon’s Breath at Rank 1. However, even though it’ll take a bit more work, through the Free Season Pass, you can receive Dragon’s Breath at Rank 35.
Dragon’s Breath Traits

The Dragon’s Breath Exotic is a much more new and improved version of the original that appeared in Destiny. while many of you already know, back in the Destiny days, Dragon’s Breath was a rather insignificant weapon and wasn’t liked by many. However, with the changes coming this season, as it makes its way back to the spotlight, it’s well worth snatching up while you have the chance.
Destiny 2: How To Get SparagmosDragon’s Breath will come with two new Exotic Intrinsics, both seemingly overpowered.
- Burn the World
- The fuel counter passively increases the longer you go without firing it, to a maximum of x5. Firing Dragon’s Breath then empties this counter, transferring all fuel to the rocket.
- Rockets then embed themselves in struck targets, causing Scorch damage and periodically ejecting incendiary fuel into pools around the target that inflict Scorch damage to anyone standing in them. The more fuel a rocket is fired with, the longer it lasts before detonating and the more fire it spreads.
- High Octane
- With this Intrinsic, nearby ignitions instantly refill your Dragon’s Breath with two fuel. Plus, when its fuel fully refills, it reloads itself.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC,