Bungie has announced that it will be adding an overhauled quest UI for current and past content for Destiny. This overhauled UI will take effect when The Taken King expansion released later this year.
Announced on the latest Weekly Update post, lead designer Luke Smith outlined the major goals and changes that will be taking place. “The Taken King was built with Quests in mind, but we didn’t want to ignore the Year One content in this global change,” he wrote. “So as a part of this update, we’ve taken all Destiny content and, for lack of a better term, ’questified’ it.”
In other words, this means that everything from missions to bounties will be able to be tracked to show the progress on screen in a new menu tab labelled as “Progress.” On this tab, players will be able to see all objectives currently in progress. Players will be able to select individual tasks to see more detail. This will include a step-by-step breakdown of what’s needed to complete the objective. The reputation icons will now be located in this tab instead of being shown in the Inventory screen.

Destiny will also be getting another welcome addition by players being able to maintain a list of tracked objectives with individual progress bars. Players will be able to see these bars by bringing up the Ghost.
Since Bungie seems to be listening to the fans now, a new welcome change to Destiny will be the ability to turn in bounties straight from the Progress screen. No longer will players have to go to the Tower, the Reef, or any other future social area to turn bounties in.
Destiny: The Taken King launches on