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Season 7 of Diablo 4, dubbed Season of Witchcraft, offers more than new mechanics and items. It also comes bearing new features, like the Armory, a new season journey, class balances (such as the Spiritborn). The season mechanic this time around are Witchcraft Powers, which augment your abilities, like increasing the size of minions or hexing your enemies. And to Witch Doctor fans, the abilities may look rather familiar! That said, my quick start guide will get you ready for Diablo 4: Season of Witchcraft.
What Class Should You Play in Season of Witchcraft?

Ever since Loot Reborn, every class has been on an even playing field, relatively speaking, and Season of Witchcraft isn’t any different. No matter what class you play, you’ll be totally fine and have no problem with any of the new content. Not to mention the many, many builds to try out, especially with new items and Runes.
With that said, the Rogue is looking mighty good this time around. However, if you were hoping to play Spiritborn because you heard how broken they were, know that they’ve been brought down after unintended interactions with their skills were fixed. Still very strong though!
New Season Mechanic: Witchcraft Powers

The newest addition to season 7 of Diablo 4 are Witchcraft Powers, which are, more or less, like Vampiric Powers from Season of Blood. When you jump into the Seasonal Realm, you’ll get the season questline, where you’ll earn the ability to use said Witchcraft Powers.
Witchcraft Powers are separated into three categories: Eldritch, Psyche, and Growth & Decay. Eldritch focuses on damage, Psyche focuses on defense, and Growth & Decay focuses on healing and resources. Regardless of what you choose, your Witchcraft Powers can be customized too, similar to the Glyph system.
And although the season questline unlocks the powers, you can earn more by gaining seasonal reputation with the Coven, which you get from Tree of Whispers and defeating Headrotten and demons during the Witchtide.
The Best Way to Level Up in Diablo 4 Season 7

You’ll want to mix multiple sources to really maximize your XP grind in Diablo 4: Season of Witchcraft. First, you’ll want to start the seasonal questline and gain access to Witchcraft Powers. This is because you’ll be spending a lot of time with Witchtides and Helltides, back to back.
Additionally, don’t forget that you can boost your XP with an Elixir and Incense. Note that you can stack three types of Incense, but the experience gain won’t be affected. Elixirs come in two tiers—the first tier grants a 5% XP boost and the second tier is +8%. Combine that with an Incense, which is 5%, and you’ll get 13% XP boost!
Don’t bother with Normal difficulty, unless you’re trying to collect Aspects of Power. Grind XP on Hard and beyond (when you’re strong enough), but never on Normal. The difficulty between Normal and Hard is negligible.
One last note: If you’re a returning player and aren’t participating in Season of Witchcraft, you can boost your Eternal Realm character to level 50 with the Welcome Back Boost. Pick it up in Kyovashad!
Quickly Change Builds With the Armory

Another new feature of Diablo 4’s Season 7 is the long-awaited Armory. It lets you create and save loadouts, which include items, skills, Glyphs, and even your Paragon boards. It doesn’t cost gold and it’s available in Eternal and Seasonal Realms.
This was an awesome feature in Diablo 3 and I’m so glad to see it finally make it to D4. I never bothered switching my builds before because of it being a nightmare to keep track of everything, but I’m definitely going to have separate builds for pushing specific content, like Tree of Whispers and The Pit.