The sequel to the critically acclaimed Alan Wake is finally here, adding yet another masterpiece to Remedy Entertainment’s lineup of games. Alan Wake 2 picks up thirteen years after Alan has gone missing, continuing the nightmare in an all-new way. Much of the story follows ideas that debuted in the previous game, now fleshed out and detailed for a newer audience to be able to experience them. For players who did not play the first installment, do you need to play Alan Wake before playing the second one?
Do You Need Context To Play Alan Wake 2?
The second installment does a great job of not necessarily telling you what happened in the previous game, but not making it difficult at all to catch on to what is happening. Where the focus was once on Alan and his search for Alice, his wife, the narrative has now shifted to Saga Anderson and her perspective of the things happening to Wake.
As a result, players had to be reintroduced to things that were happening via a character who was completely uninvolved; or rather, unfamiliar with the series. The context of everything that is going on in Alan Wake 2 is slowly told through the different manuscripts, radio shows, television commercials, and so on that you’ll find throughout the game. They won’t tell you what happened during the previous game, but you’ll be filled in enough to be able to play through without feeling like you’re missing out on anything.
The Remedy Entertainment connected universe has now made it so that you don’t have to play any of the games to really understand what’s going on, though you’ll be better off if you do.
Alan Wake 2 is available now on the