Everyone has a different idea of the perfect difficulty, but Capcom has done a lot to accommodate players of every stripe. Monster Hunter Wilds has a ton of depth, both mechanically and strategically. That can be imposing even if you’re experienced in the genre. You can play alone or with friends and wield a variety of weapons, all of which change the difficulty. Whereas other games include a literal easy mode, Wilds takes a different route. So does Monster Hunter Wilds have easy mode and what does the SoS Flare have to do with it all?
The SoS Flare Is Basically Easy Mode in MHW

Monster Hunter Wilds doesn’t have difficulty modes, so technically there is no easy mode. That said, there is a mechanic some players have embraced as an unofficial easy mode. It’s the SoS Flare which allows you to summon an assistant (or three) in a fight. Calling in an NPC ally to have your back is a huge advantage. Calling in real players? That’s even better. Here’s what you need to know:
- The SoS Flare allows you to call in players or NPCs to assist you
- If no players are found to join you, the party will autofill with NPCs
- The number of hunters summoned (1-3) seems to vary based on the hunt
- NPCs seem to be immortal
- NPCs can break a monster’s wounds, making this a great way to farm materials
- Hunt difficulty doesn’t seem to scale up based on the number of hunters, making the SoS Flare even stronger
Since these NPCs appear to be immune from harm, you can simply summon them and step back when you need a breather. Even though some players may enjoy learning to beat Elden Ring on a dance pad, no one says you have to make things that hard. The SoS Flare strikes an excellent balance, letting players manage their own difficulty. It’s a more flexible system, which may be even better for Monster Hunter Wilds than a basic easy mode would have been. Whether you prefer to slay giants with the aid of a fellow hunter or not, we’re all better off having the option.